[Colonial Numismatics] Favorite coin of 2004 Public Deposited


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  • From palmers4@erols.com Sat Jan 08 13:39:15 2005
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    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Favorite coin of 2004
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    Jeff, Why not post pics of the mule at least? David

    Original Message:
    From: Rosaamltd@aol.com
    Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2005 15:07:11 EST
    To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Favorite coin of 2004

    This is a fun link, guys! It gives us all a chance to sit back and=20
    on things that we purchased in the last year. I have a tough time coming
    with a favorite single piece -- I added several rare French Colonies=20
    to my collection, as well as a few other neat items. At one of the Ford
    I picked up three unique die trials of the 1791 Washington large and small=
    eagle cents, which are clearly high in the favorite list.=20=20
    But if I had to choose a single specimen, I would say it was the unique =
    Confederatio/Nova Constellatio mule that also came from the Ford sale. Not
    did the piece go for a bargain price, it's the first time that the coin was

    offered for public sale in well over a century, and it has a pedigree that =
    includes some of the best known names in colonial numismatics. Add to it=20
    fact that the coin is important in that it marries two series that would
    otherwise be related, the Nova's that were thought to be struck in England
    the Confederatios that were thought to be struck here!

    mail2web - Check your email from the web at
    http://mail2web.com/ .

Source URL Date published
  • 2005-01-08
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