[Colonial Numismatics] Evasions Public Deposited


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  • From joshalso2000@yahoo.com Tue Jan 18 19:24:58 2005
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    From: Morris Hankins <joshalso2000@yahoo.com>
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Evasions
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    Jon, your coin is either an Atkins 255 or Atkins 256. Atkins 255 is Cobwright
    G.0740./B.0430 with Britan Nia dated 1771 or Atkins 256 which is Cobwright
    G.0740./B.0460 with Britan Nia dated 1774. I cannot tell from your reverse which the date is and I do not have either of these two reverses in my collection.

    If you are interested in Evasions send a request to the following: EvasionCopper-subscribe@yahoogroups.com .

    I will try to respond immediately on your request.

    Morris Hankins

    Jon DSouza-Eva <jon.dsouzaeva@gmail.com> wrote:
    Hi Steve,

    Thanks very much for the information. I've been trying to get hold of
    a copy of "A journey through the Monkalokian rain forests in search of
    the spiney fubbaduck" for quite a while now. Since Cobwright only
    lives a hundred miles from me here in England it seems daft to order a
    copy from Bill; but unfortunately he (Cobwright) hasn't got any copies
    in stock at the moment so I'm waiting for the next run on the

    I've attached a small scan of the reverse, it's quite worn apart from
    a nice set of pins on Britannia. It's a pity the colours haven't come
    out very well in the scans as the metal hasn't been mixed particularly
    well, resulting in some wonderful red swirls on both sides.


    On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 17:25:51 -0800 (PST), Steve Frank
    > Jon,
    > Without including the stops and positions of the stops, the legend reads
    > There are two different varieties of this obverse.
    > The first, Cobwright G.0740, has stops mid-letter high between DEI and PAX
    > and following PAX
    > The second, Cobwright G.0750 has stops mid-letter before DEI, and bottom of
    > letter high between DEI and PAX (If I had an old typwriter I could show
    > this, but I don't know if I can with the computer)
    > The first is paired with 5 reverses and the second with 3 reverses.
    > The Atkins numbers associated with these are 254?, 255, 256 and 257 for the
    > first obverse, and 259 and (260) for the second obverse. (Cobwright uses the
    > ? and ( )'s)
    > This information was taken from Cobwrights book on evasions titled "A
    > journey through the Monkalokian rain forests in search of the spiney
    > fubbaduck".
    > You can get copies of this through Bill McKivor at "The Copper Corner" for
    > $25.00 plus shipping.
    > Morris Hankins is the Guru on these things. He can tell you of new
    > varieties and mistakes in Cobwrights manuscript. I can only tell you what I
    > read.
    > If you send me a scan of the reverse I can give you the exact Atkins and
    > Cobwright number for your evasion halfpenny.
    > I have to leave for work now so won't see it until tomorrow, so just post it
    > here and maybe Morris will get to it sooner.
    > Steve
    > Jon DSouza-Eva wrote:
    > Are there any collectors of evasions out there?
    > I was sorting through some George II halfpennies tonight and came
    > across this one which I had overlooked when I bought it. I've been
    > trying for an hour to interpret the lettering - is it "GEACIOUS DEI
    > PAX" ?
    > Anyway, with this coin my evasions collection has now reached double
    > figures!
    > > ATTACHMENT part 2 image/jpeg name=strange_georgeII.jpg

    Yahoo! Groups Links

    > ATTACHMENT part 2 image/jpeg name=strange_georgeII_rev.jpg

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

    <DIV><STRONG>Jon, your coin is either an Atkins 255 or Atkins 256.  Atkins 255 is Cobwright</STRONG></DIV>
    <DIV><STRONG>G.0740./B.0430 with Britan Nia dated 1771 or Atkins 256 which is Cobwright</STRONG></DIV>
    <DIV><STRONG>G.0740./B.0460 with Britan Nia dated 1774.  I cannot tell from your reverse which the date is and I do not have either of these two reverses in my collection.</STRONG></DIV>
    <DIV><STRONG>If you are interested in Evasions send a request to the following:  </STRONG><A href="mailto:EvasionCopper-subscribe@yahoogroups.com">EvasionCopper-subscribe@yahoogroups.com</A> .</DIV>
    <DIV> </DIV>
    <DIV><STRONG>I will try to respond immediately on your request.</STRONG></DIV>
    <DIV><STRONG>Morris Hankins</STRONG></DIV>
    <DIV><BR><BR><B><I>Jon DSouza-Eva <jon.dsouzaeva@gmail.com></I></B> wrote:</DIV>
    <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Hi Steve,<BR><BR>Thanks very much for the information. I've been trying to get hold of<BR>a copy of "A journey through the Monkalokian rain forests in search of<BR>the spiney fubbaduck" for quite a while now. Since Cobwright only<BR>lives a hundred miles from me here in England it seems daft to order a<BR>copy from Bill; but unfortunately he (Cobwright) hasn't got any copies<BR>in stock at the moment so I'm waiting for the next run on the<BR>photocopier.<BR><BR>I've attached a small scan of the reverse, it's quite worn apart from<BR>a nice set of pins on Britannia. It's a pity the colours haven't come<BR>out very well in the scans as the metal hasn't been mixed particularly<BR>well, resulting in some wonderful red swirls on both sides.<BR><BR>Jon<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 17:25:51 -0800 (PST), Steve Frank<BR><TAXI_STEVE929@YAHOO.COM>wrote:<BR>> <BR>> Jon, <BR>>
    <BR>> Without including the stops and positions of the stops, the legend reads <BR>> GLACIOUS DEI PAX <BR>> <BR>> There are two different varieties of this obverse. <BR>> <BR>> The first, Cobwright G.0740, has stops mid-letter high between DEI and PAX<BR>> and following PAX <BR>> <BR>> The second, Cobwright G.0750 has stops mid-letter before DEI, and bottom of<BR>> letter high between DEI and PAX (If I had an old typwriter I could show<BR>> this, but I don't know if I can with the computer) <BR>> <BR>> The first is paired with 5 reverses and the second with 3 reverses. <BR>> <BR>> The Atkins numbers associated with these are 254?, 255, 256 and 257 for the<BR>> first obverse, and 259 and (260) for the second obverse. (Cobwright uses the<BR>> ? and ( )'s) <BR>> <BR>> This information was taken from Cobwrights book on evasions titled "A<BR>> journey through the Monkalokian rain forests in search of the spiney<BR>>
    fubbaduck". <BR>> <BR>> You can get copies of this through Bill McKivor at "The Copper Corner" for<BR>> $25.00 plus shipping. <BR>> <BR>> Morris Hankins is the Guru on these things. He can tell you of new<BR>> varieties and mistakes in Cobwrights manuscript. I can only tell you what I<BR>> read. <BR>> <BR>> If you send me a scan of the reverse I can give you the exact Atkins and<BR>> Cobwright number for your evasion halfpenny. <BR>> <BR>> I have to leave for work now so won't see it until tomorrow, so just post it<BR>> here and maybe Morris will get to it sooner. <BR>> <BR>> Steve<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Jon DSouza-Eva <JON.DSOUZAEVA@GMAIL.COM>wrote: <BR>> Are there any collectors of evasions out there?<BR>> <BR>> I was sorting through some George II halfpennies tonight and came<BR>> across this one which I had overlooked when I bought it. I've been<BR>> trying for an hour to interpret the lettering -
    is it "GEACIOUS DEI<BR>> PAX" ?<BR>> <BR>> Anyway, with this coin my evasions collection has now reached double<BR>> figures!<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> > ATTACHMENT part 2 image/jpeg name=strange_georgeII.jpg<BR>><BR><BR><BR><BR>Yahoo! Groups Links<BR><BR><*> To visit your group on the web, go to:<BR>http://groups.yahoo.com/group/colonial-coins/<BR><BR><*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:<BR>colonial-coins-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com<BR><BR><*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:<BR>http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/<BR><BR><BR><BR>> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/jpeg name=strange_georgeII_rev.jpg<BR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Source URL Date published
  • 2005-01-18
  • 1


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