Weight range of Woods' halfpennies and farthings Pubblico Deposited
- From jon.dsouzaeva@gmail.com Wed Feb 23 12:03:03 2005
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From: Jon DSouza-Eva <jon.dsouzaeva@gmail.com>
Reply-To: Jon DSouza-Eva <jon.dsouzaeva@gmail.com>
Subject: Weight range of Woods' halfpennies and farthings
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I've just bought a 1723 Hibernia halfpenny which weighs 6g. I can't
find any resource online which will tell me whether this is within the
expected weight range of a regal coin of this type. It doesn't look
like a counterfeit and it's only the fact that it weighs so much less
than the other three similar coins in my collection which is making me
suspicious. Can anyone help me out?
Jon - 2005-02-23
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