[Colonial Numismatics] Wood 33 Pubblico Deposited


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  • From johnmenc@optonline.net Mon Mar 21 06:58:44 2005
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    From: johnmenc@optonline.net
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Wood 33
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    Sorry Morris for my impatience - HOWEVER - The only way in mind we
    are going to resolve this issue is in the following manner:
    1. Send two high grade Wood 33's (UNC & AU from my collection) with
    a draft article to the CNL Editor. He will either confirm, deny or
    CORRECT the obverse/reverse legends and I will reach some
    equilibrium accord with Gart T. on this matter.
    2. Once JPL & CNL agree to the legends (obv.& rev.) since the coins
    MUST be viewed in person to properly give an opinion then the CNL
    Technical Note is written.
    3. Submit this CNL paper to Charlton Press with the offer that their
    expert (Wayne Jacobs?)can also view these specimens & can make the
    editing change if he agrees to the corrected legend.
    4. Ten years ago when I submitted my UNC W33 to Warren Baker he
    confirmed there was a legend change REQUIRED. However no follow-up
    was performed in 1995. Bill Anton last night confirmed the legend
    5. In a way - NOW (2005) ten years later! - this is perfect timing
    Morris because a small core group - POSSIBLY - with yourself as a
    lead could also swing this variety out of the Blacksmith group into
    the Evasion group. HOWEVER - this may be TOO MUCH for the Charlton
    group to swallow all at once.

    I suspect that on your W33 there is not enough details to see this
    legend change. Over the years I must have handled over 100 W33's not
    including the Albany Hoard which I viewed. There is a marked
    difference in the legend going from UNC to XF to Fine. This is a
    complex coin in this respect and in some ways UNIQUE as how the
    legends change due to circulation - ONLY!

    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, Morris Hankins
    <joshalso2000@y...> wrote:
    > John, suggest you try a little patience. I sent pictures to this
    group, but you only receive a digest. And then you want people to
    send additional info and pics to you.
    > 252 people in this group are not that concerned with a minor
    influx of an Evasion Copper that was used in the Northern colonies
    and in Canada. Yesterday my family and the NCAA Basketball Playoffs
    were much more important than this one very minor coin.
    > I believe right now there are over 250 different e-mails going
    back 3 years in various groups including this one, Blacksmiths,
    CNLF, C4 etc.
    > Why this is an imperative to respond to right this instance, I do
    not know. Winston Churchill was adamnant about the use of radio and
    television because a person to give an answer might answer too fast
    and foolishly in their response just to have an answer and not
    appear to be uninformed.
    > I am going to take another set of pictures probably tonight and I
    will send to this group, but you in turn have to turn on your emails
    instead of digest. If you want in the game, then get in the game
    and play with all the tools. If not, then don't criticize the
    group's response.
    > Morris
    > johnmenc@o... wrote:
    > Well ... out of 252 members ... 3 responded or 1.2%. How is this
    > S??? I will send the article to you and two high grade specimens
    > a future CNL Technical Note. If so ... contact me privately. Not
    > surprised of 1.2% ... Bill Anton was here last night he has
    > confirmed the lettering. The trouble is that so few people CARE of
    > the W33's or have high grade specimens to make this evaluation on
    > the correct legends. Let's see what happens with CNLF.
    > --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, Steve Frank
    > wrote:
    > > They can do whatever they want...but you should be able to see
    > more in the copper than on any photo. Any photo taken has to be
    > printed...you can use a $50,000.00 camera and let Mathew Brady
    > the photo's and you're still only getting 72dpi on this
    > screen....unless you're talking overlays???
    > >
    > > johnmenc@o... wrote:
    > > ... hate to
    > > admit it ... but someone like Neil or Gary T. need to do thier
    > photo
    > > mastery on my two high grade specimens... to FINALLY put this
    > issue
    > > to bed.
    > >
    > >
    > >
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URL di origine Data di pubblicazione
  • 2005-03-21
  • 1

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Autore NNP