"Comments" in .JPG files Public Deposited
- From JCSpilman1@Comcast.NET Thu Apr 14 12:31:54 2005
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From: JCSpilman <JCSpilman1@Comcast.NET>
Reply-To: JCSpilman1@comcast.net
Subject: "Comments" in .JPG files
X-Yahoo-Group-Post: member; u=154441963
X-Yahoo-Profile: jcspilman1
Hi all --
Attached FYI is a .JPG image downloaded from eBay with an obverse
coin image which has become a matter of some discussion amongst a
few of us.
The image is named in CNLF format and has the entire lengthy
discussion that appears on eBay embedded in the "comments" file
within the .jpg
The purpose of this posting is to illustrate the use of the four
.jpg embedments -- one of which is "comments" -- and how to
include information within a .jpg. You must read these comments
from within your Imaging Software.
Jim/CNLF - 2005-04-14
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