AJN # 15 The Fabled Half Dismes Público Deposited

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  • From mantoloking2002@yahoo.com Sat Apr 16 17:23:12 2005
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    From: Roger Siboni <mantoloking2002@yahoo.com>
    Subject: AJN # 15 The Fabled Half Dismes
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    Hi All,

    I just finished Joel J. Orosz' and Carl Herkowitz's
    EXCELLANT article on "George Washington and America's
    "Small Begining" in Coinage: The Fabled 1792 Half
    Dismes" in AJN 15 which was just shipped.

    This is a great read and very very informative. They
    have come up with some really interesting new
    observations about the Half Dismes. Moreover,
    consistent with a comment Jeff Rock made a while ago,
    they completely debunk a lot of myths surrounding the
    Half Disme....i.e. Martha Washington's Silverware,
    Martha's image etc.

    I am even tempted to consider the Half Disme a
    Colonial (a la FUGIOs) rather than a Federal issue
    since it appears to be more of a "pre-Official Mint"
    token than Federal coinage

    Anyway, great read, fun and informative.

    Roger S.

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  • 2005-04-16
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