Abraham Darby Público Deposited

Casting Process for GII & GIII contemporaries

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  • From johnmenc@optonline.net Fri Apr 29 05:37:50 2005
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    From: "John Lorenzo" <johnmenc@optonline.net>
    Subject: Abraham Darby: Casting Process for GII & GIII contemporaries
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    The casting process probably used for the GEORGE II and GEORGE III
    1/2d and 1/4d's was UNQUESTIONABLY a form of the Darby process. Here
    is a good back and forth between Peter King and Edgar?. Read Edgar's
    post first ... understanding the fine art of casting (i.e., the lead
    percentage is SO important <BG>) it may help 2-3 of you in
    collecting this UGLY TYPE.

    Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 01:01:01 +0100
    From: Peter King <peter@PETERKINGIRON.FREESERVE.CO.UK>
    Subject: Re: Sand casting developed by Abraham Darby

    I am not sure that we really know for certain. There were no patent
    specifications at that period, so that the patent only describes the
    in a few words. It almost certainly involved patterns (probably of
    around which the sand mould was formed. Today this is such a normal
    part of
    casting that no one thinks twice about it.

    The difficulty is that we do not really know how pots were cast
    I think I have seen something to the effect that guns were cast like
    Since there are descriptions of gunfounding, we can presumably
    deduce how
    pots were made. If so, a core was formed; then a grass rope was
    around it; and a smooth surface formed over that. On top of that a
    mould was created. The rope was removed leaving a void into which
    the metal
    was poured. After that the mould had to be broken to get the pot
    out and a
    new mould made from scratch for the next pot.

    It is presumed that Darby's process of casting in 'green' sand meant
    that he
    could rapidly (and repeatedly) produce moulds. The best recent
    article in
    the subject is N. Cox, 'Imagination and innovation of an industrial
    The first Abraham Darby' Ind. Arch. Rev. 12(2) (1990), 127-144. She
    able to show that Darby's pots were thinner than those made by the
    method. With less metal, they were inherently cheaper, quite apart
    from any
    saving in workmanship. Prior to Darby's arrival at Coalbrookdale
    many blast
    furnaces cast small quantities of pots each year. Within a few
    years, this
    ceased and Darby appears to have had the market to himself, that is
    there began to be imitators after his patent expired.

    I see your source is Samuel Smiles - I do not regard him as a source
    to be
    used, except where he is quoting documents which are not available
    to us

    Peter King

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Arch-Metals Group [mailto:ARCH-METALS@JISCMAIL.AC.UK]On Behalf
    Of No
    Sent: 25 April 2005 18:58
    To: Peter King
    Subject: Sand casting developed by Abraham Darby

    I posted this to the Britarch list and was
    advised to post here instead.

    I read that Abraham Darby developed a system
    of sand casting that allowed for mass production
    of iron bowls.
    Also that the sand casting basics were obtained from
    Holland, and he imported Dutch experts, who along with
    his brass casting experts from Bristol, developed this
    process for him.
    I am aware of basic sand casting, but could someone
    give me a description on Darby's process?


URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2005-04-29
  • 1


Autor do PNN