Punch-Linking & the 21st Century Público Deposited

[Colonial Numismatics] Re

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  • From bkweston@verizon.net Thu May 05 06:49:27 2005
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    From: "Byron Weston" <bkweston@verizon.net>
    Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Punch-Linking & the 21st Century
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    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "John Lorenzo" <johnmenc@o...>
    > Its the isolated non-dielinking nature that disturbs me and the
    > total lack of EXACT identifiers on why this punch-linking sect of
    > collectors conider this a Newburgh issue or is it New York City?

    Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.

URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2005-05-05
  • 1


Autor NNP