A Call for Ford Tickets Publique Deposited


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  • From johnmenc@optonline.net Thu May 12 12:49:52 2005
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    From: "John Lorenzo" <johnmenc@optonline.net>
    Subject: Re: A Call for Ford Tickets
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    ANS - Rare Book Room. NN Invoice Books.

    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "Neil Rothschild"
    <nrothschild@n...> wrote:
    > Bob Martin and I have spent a great deal of time investigating
    > Connecticuts and the contemporary "tickets" that accompanied the
    > coins. We are interested in photos of any coins with Ink on
    obverse or
    > especially on edge, and any paper that came with the coins, such
    as the
    > little rectangular slips of paper, envelopes that came from
    earlier Ford
    > sales, and especially the small circular tickets.
    > We would appreciate the folllowing:
    > 1) MOST IMPORTANTLY, especially for dealers. Please DO NOT throw
    away the
    > related paper tickets. If you are going to sell the coin without
    > papers, maybe you could donate the paper to C4 where it can be
    > I know the dealers do not generally hang out here; maybe there is
    some way
    > the club can pass the word? Much of this material was quickly
    lost after
    > prior Ford offerings. It would also be helpful to have the Ford
    lot tickets
    > for future documentation.
    > 2) We would appreciate scanned images or, even better, color
    photographs of
    > the tickets, front and back as soon as it is convenient. Also
    images of the
    > coins, with or without ink. Especially for coins released in
    earlier Ford
    > sales that may not have been plated. Even where plated, the
    earlier catalog
    > half tones often do not clearly show the ink.
    > 3) Bob and I have discussed for years a "ticket and ink
    happening" at a
    > future C4. This is the time to do it, in Boston in November. We
    would like
    > people to bring in their coins with tickets and and/or ink. Even
    if you
    > supply photographs and/or scans, it will be helpful to see the
    tickets in
    > the flesh. We are interested in differentiating things written at
    > times, in different hands and with different writing instruments.
    That is
    > not always obvious from a photo and especially a scan. We would
    like to get
    > started to get the word out. I would especially like to
    photograph the
    > edges of any inked on edge coins you have. ESPECIALLY coins that
    did not
    > come from major offerings, but every inked coin is important and a
    piece of
    > the puzzle. If you have an inked on edge coin with a rectangular
    > with something like "HALL COLLECTION" written or stamped on it,
    that is also
    > very important- any evidence of a prior provenance is important
    even if
    > seemingly unrelated.
    > We are about 80-90% through the process of digesting the public
    data on
    > these coins. We hope that the "ink happening" will fill in
    whatever can be
    > filled in for the remaining pieces of the puzzle. At the
    conclusion we will
    > publish a paper detailing what we have learned.
    > If anyone has or has knowledge of a 1920 Miller sale or the Mills
    sale or
    > any other sale referenced in the recent Ford sale with buyers
    names, please
    > let me know.
    > Thanks,
    > Neil

URL source Date publiée
  • 2005-05-12
  • 1

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