Act of Tynwald Público Deposited


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  • From Wed Jun 08 07:02:22 2005
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    From: "John Lorenzo" <>
    Subject: Act of Tynwald: EXPOUNDED
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    One thing that also needs to be expounded was this Act of Tynwald so
    possibly the route of these ousted coins could better be followed
    involving the outlawing the St.Pat's in the Isle of Mann.
    Personally ... when ivestigating this coinage ... I was sick and
    tired of seeing this one liner without any real follow-up. Here is
    some more MEAT to this issue and hopefully this Isle of Mann coin
    expert may be able to take this a level higher above a museum
    historian who is obviously was void of any numismatic knowledge (not
    her fault and of course expected). Her comments are enjoyable to
    read and important as a starting point and as a possible source of
    these ousted coins being linked to Sharpe & Newby ... see below ...

    Dear John

    I have talked to our historian, and she has pointed me to
    information contained
    in the Statutes of the Isle of Mann (IOM), edited by J. F. Gill in
    1883. She did comment,
    however, that you probably had more detail about the act than we had
    access to!

    From the Exchequer Book, 1682. No.33, pp.139-140

    At the Court of Tynwald holden at St John's Chapell the 24th day of
    June 1682.
    It is ordered as followeth-

    Whereas amongst other Laws made and proclaimed at this Court the
    24th of June
    1679, which Laws are altogether sleighted & neglected, but now are
    revived and
    ordered to be put in due execution under the penalty therein
    prescribed, there
    was a law made & published forbidding the passage of Brass & Copper
    Moneyes but
    such only as in the said enacted Law was allowed as by the same more
    at lardge
    appeareth notwithstanding which Law much Copper Money has been
    brought in &
    disposed through this Island without any permission or legal
    authority, i.e.
    out of Scotland halfe-penyes stamped with a Thistle of the worst or
    basest sort
    of Copper, and out of Irland Copper halfe-penyes, stamped with ye
    Harpe, both
    which halfe-penyes doe appeare to be in a plentiful manner disposed,
    that no considerable sum of Money can be paid, but part of the said
    halfe-penyes is included which may in a short time be of great
    prejudice and
    detriment to the whole Island if noe timely course be taken for the
    of it.

    It is therefore this day ordered by the Deputy Governor & officers
    of this Court
    whose names are subscribed with the advice and consent of the 24
    Keyes now

    yt the Copper halfe-penyes stamped with the Thistle & the Irish
    stamped with the hapre, shall from the first of July next ensuing
    (for the
    necessity of change only) pass for a farthing a piece & no more.
    And that the
    sd Copper Money or halfe-penyes be paid or received for noe more by
    any maner
    of person in exchange or paymt after the sd day under such penalty &
    damage as
    may ensue to such persons as shall receive them or under the penalty
    of the
    mulke in the former Statute provided, which Statute notwithstanding
    this order
    is to be of full force & this to continue & be of force only & soe
    till further or other order be declared to the contrary.

    And whereas there is a great distraction in the Country about the
    passage of
    Groates by reason many groates call Rixum Groates are disposed
    amongst us,
    insomuch that the people are scupulous nay and oft deny the good as
    well as the

    It is therefore ordered that the good old Silver Groates shall pass
    as formerly
    and not be denied by any & that the Groates called Rixum Groates or
    any other
    false or counterfeitt Coyne shall be refused & are herby ordered not
    to pass.
    And as oft as any dispute ariseth touchinge the said Groates the
    same is to be
    tryed before the Deemsters, that is before Deemster Christian on the
    North Side
    and Deemster Fletcher on the South Side, who are hereby authorized
    to take such
    persons as they shall think fitt for their assistance to approve,
    allow, or
    diallow, of the said Groates, and such Groates as they shall find in
    their own
    judgments or by the advice of their Assistants to be Rixums,
    counterfeitt or
    nought, they are to be broken & made useles & unfitt to be offered
    to pass for
    the future. And if any be discovered to pass any of the
    counterfeitt Moneys
    out of a fraudulent manner to defraud or deceive any person of mean
    such persons to be fined and punished (besides the breakinge of the
    Groates) as in their discretion shall be thought fitt, and this
    course to be
    holden till further Order or Law be declared or enacted to the

    Rich. Stevenson,
    Edw. Christian,
    Tho. Norris,
    Tho. Flectcher,
    Hen. Calcott,
    Thos. Norris, jun.

    It may be that someone knows more - I can ask around. Let me know
    if you have
    any other specific questions which I could answer.

    Bea as slaynt


    > John Lorenzo
    > Instrumentation Laboratory
    > Environmental,Training & Calibration Coordinator
    > 526 Route 303
    > Orangeburg, New York 10962 USA
    > 845-398-8632
    > 845-365-8031 (fax)
    > (work)
    > In 1679 a Isle of Man Parlaiment Act demonetized the use of this
    > in the Isle of Man. Can you send me some associated information to
    > demonetizing Act or major players in ousting this coinage from the
    Isle of
    > Man in 1679.

    Dr Breesha Maddrell

    Stiureyder Studeyrys Eearcheimagh - Director of Postgraduate Studies

    Laare-studeyrys Manninagh, 6 Keyll y Ree, Doolish, Mannin IM1 3LX
    Centre for Manx Studies, 6 Kingswood Grove, Douglas, Isle of Man IM1

    Studeyrys Manninagh e-Journal:

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2005-06-08
  • 1


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