Who is Sharpe? Público Deposited

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  • From jlupia2@yahoo.com Fri Oct 14 11:33:47 2005
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    --- John Lorenzo <johnmenc@optonline.net> wrote:

    > I will respond later ... there is a particular
    > reference which lead
    > me to some documentation I acquired from the Sharpe
    > Papers which
    > leads me to BELIEVE Newby was only a middle man.
    > I am at work and the reference number escapes me at
    > this time. There
    > was a general meeting of the people on this voyage
    > in 1681 held by
    > A. Sharpe. The reference information (i.e., Sharpe
    > Papers) was
    > instructive and also a bit disappointing.

    What is the full name of Sharpe and his occupation?
    What significance or role, supposed or otherwise,
    does Sharpe play in colonial coinage? Please forgive
    my ignorance. I am only a novice in colonial
    numismatics. But I do know how to do research and if
    I understand the problem clearly perhaps I might be of
    some use.

    Best regards,

    John N Lupia
    EAC #5357
    Beachwood (Ocean County), New Jersey

    Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2005-10-14
  • 1


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