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[Colonial Numismatics] Hibernia & Rosa Americana Counterfeiting Ring - linked to Rush & Skerries?


St. Patrick Halfpence

Conteúdo do artigo
  • From jlupia2@yahoo.com Tue Nov 22 08:54:51 2005
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    From: John Lupia <jlupia2@yahoo.com>
    Subject: Re: St. Patrick Halfpence; was Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Hibernia & Rosa Americana Counterfeiting Ring - linked to Rush & Skerries?
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    --- John Lorenzo <johnmenc@optonline.net> wrote:

    > HMMMM ... [snip] you could argue ... [snip] I await
    your counter-argument ...[snip]
    ... we shall see?

    I offer ONLY facts. I have 16 documents from the 17th
    century never before published in the numsimatic
    literature in the survey of St. Patrick Halfpence
    studies. I expect to discover a few more before I am
    finished with my manuscript.

    Thus far, I have been putting in 18 hour workdays on
    this. It began as a critique to Mr. Hoover's
    forthcoming article, but soon turned into a full-blown
    research project. As I have already said, new
    materials are coming in nearly daily.

    Any suggestions are very welcome.

    Best to all,
    John N. Lupia

    Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.
URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2005-11-22
  • 1


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