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[Colonial Numismatics] Hibernia & Rosa Americana Counterfeiting Ring - linked to Rush & Skerries?


St. Patrick Halfpence

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  • From jlupia2@yahoo.com Wed Nov 23 22:11:06 2005
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    From: John Lupia <jlupia2@yahoo.com>
    Subject: Re: St. Patrick Halfpence; was Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Hibernia & Rosa Americana Counterfeiting Ring - linked to Rush & Skerries?
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    I received the CNL CD-ROM in today's mail, containing
    Series Nos. 104-126. The articles that relate to the
    St. Patrick money are very interesting and are
    generating a lot of work on my part. I will look
    forward to obtaining the other CD that has the earlier

    Have a happy Thanksgiving Day holiday tomorow. Wishing
    all of you and yours the very best.

    Warm regards,
    John N. Lupia

    Yahoo! Music Unlimited
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  • 2005-11-23
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Autore NNP