HBC Token Follow-Up in Siboni II 上市 Deposited

  • From johnmenc@optonline.net Sun Dec 11 11:07:04 2005
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    Subject: HBC Token Follow-Up in Siboni II
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    For those participants who received the Siboni II book the HB token=20
    that my friend Don Neumann wrote about has an interesting follow-up.=20
    In the book by A.D. Hoch "Candian Tokens & Medals" in the article=20
    written in 1921 by M.Sorensen "The Hudson Bay Comapny & Its Currency"=20
    he mentions wooden money which had the Hudson Bay Company logo as HB=20
    (joined) as in Neumann's piece pictured in Siboni II (copper plated=20
    lead HB token or bale piece?). I have enclosed a picture in FILES. The=20
    advancement of primitive money with the Indians of the time to the=20
    eventual HBC brass money is an interesting one ... we are currently=20
    checking different forms of wooden money to see if any other types of=20
    examples other than Sorensen exits ... for sure ... next time the ANS=20
    has a Candian Money theme ... I may step forward with Mr. Neumann if I=20
    can convince him to fly in from the mid-west.

來源網址 發布日期
  • 2005-12-11
  • 1
