"Colonial" coins Público Deposited

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  • From shamus12017@yahoo.com Thu Jan 26 09:49:41 2006
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    25 JAN 2006

    All --

    In recent discussion I have read several comments about the use of the=20
    term "Colonial" with the observations that these are either "States=20
    issues" or "Continental issues" but not true "Colonial issues".

    In general, this is correct, however there are several exceptions.

    In the American/British issues there are the Virginia Halfpence which=20
    are true "Colonial" in that they were issued by the Mother Country for=20
    a Colony.

    In the Frence/American issues there are several, I believe, but I am=20
    uncertain as to which they are. Can someone list them for reference?

    Thanks -- Shamus


URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2006-01-26
  • 1


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