Need assistance in I.D. on this Connecticut Copper. Public Deposited
- From Sun Feb 05 11:36:16 2006
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From: Morris Hankins <>
Subject: Need assistance in I.D. on this Connecticut Copper.
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Need some assistance on this Connecticut copper in its die variety. I identified it as 32.3-X.4 and need confirmation.
"C" missing in Auctori where planche flaw is and is also missing "DE" in INDE from natural planchet flaw.
Thanks to all you gurus.
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<DIV>Need some assistance on this Connecticut copper in its die variety. I identified it as 32.3-X.4 and need confirmation.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>"C" missing in Auctori where planche flaw is and is also missing "DE" in INDE from natural planchet flaw.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Thanks to all you gurus.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Morris </DIV>
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