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1788 Vermont Colonial F (#6605782541)


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  • From njraywms@optonline.net Sun Feb 19 11:30:33 2006
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    njray sent you this eBay item.

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    Here it is Mike

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    2403: 1788 Vermont Colonial F
    Item number: 6605782541

    Seller: twconroyauctioneers(1065)
    Positive Feedback: 98.5%
    Member since Oct-19-01 in United States


    click for larger image2403: 1788 Vermont Colonial F1788 Vermont Colonial FA=
    uction House TW Conroy, LLC36 Oswego StreetBaldwinsville, NY USA 13027Live =
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    <td width=3D"100%"><span class=3D"pagetitle"><font face=3D"Arial, Verdana" =
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    Item number: 6605782541</font>
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    <table border=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"6">
    <td><font face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D"2">Seller:</font></td>
    <font face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D"2"><a>twconroyauctioneers</a><img src=
    =3D"http://pics.ebaystatic.com/aw/pics/s.gif" width=3D"4" border=3D"0">
    <a>1065</a><img align=3D"absmiddle" border=3D"0" height=3D"25" width=3D"25"=
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    <font face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D"2"><b>Positive Feedback: 98.5%</b></f=
    ont><br><font face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D"2">
    Member since Oct-19-01 in United States</font>
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    <font face=3D"Arial, Verdana" size=3D"2">click for larger image2403: 1788 V=
    ermont Colonial F1788 Vermont Colonial FAuction House TW Conroy, LLC36 Oswe=
    go StreetBaldwinsville, NY USA 13027Live Auction TimesSpecial Note: Ebay St=
    arting and Ending Times are wrong. Items offered are part of a live auction=
    which starts at 3:00PM PST (6:00PM EST) on Friday and 8:00AM PST (11:00AM =
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    or this auction before you can bid. Ebay will disable the absentee bidding =
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    ldwinsville, NY 13027All bidders are responsible for reading and understand=
    ing these Terms of Sale, as well as any supplemental notices.1. GeneralEach=
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    ow, as changed or supplemented by provisions a) written in other places wit=
    hin these Terms of Sale, b) in written supplements to this Catalogue or oth=
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    ely responsible for the amount of the successful bid, the buyer's premium, =
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    roof of exemption from New York sales tax by U.S. dealers. No New York sale=
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    ion. Upon the fall of the auctioneer's hammer, the successful bidder become=
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    of the total purchase price and deny all future credit.4. Condition of Ite=
    mAll items are served "as is, where is".Size is approximate. Unless otherwi=
    se noted, items are in good as found condition with normal wear reflecting =
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