William Wood's tender of coppers offered in 1717 Público Deposited

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  • From johnmenc@optonline.net Wed Sep 20 19:13:41 2006
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    Subject: William Wood's tender of coppers offered in 1717
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    Catalogue Record: MINT00637
    Clerical copies of tenders to supply copper received in response to=20
    the advertisement of 30 April 1717 [#630 (II.406)] and forwarded to=20
    the Mint with #636 (II.366):

    Bibliographical Details
    Call Number: II.370, 372-3, 377, 380-82, 391-4
    Location: The Public Record Office, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK

    (a) (II.372) [May or June 1717.] Tenderer's name omitted.
    (b) (II.373) [May or June 1717.] Tender from William Wood.=20
    Supplementary note in another hand describing Wood as a=20
    Wolverhampton dealer in iron, copper and brass.
    (c) (II.377) 21 May 1717. Tender from Thomas Chambers.
    (d) (II.380) 21 May 1717. Tender from Henry Robinson.
    (e) (II.381) [May or June 1717.] Tender from John Parker.
    (f) (II.382) [May or June 1717.] Tender from Henry Neale.
    (g) (II.391) [May or June 1717.] Tender from Henry Hind [Hines,=20
    Haines, Hinde].
    (h) (II.392) 21 May 1717. Tender from John Applebee [Appleby].
    (i) (II.393) 24 May 1717. Tender from Richard Jones, who also bids=20
    to undertake the coining.
    (j) (II.394) 24 May 1717. Tender from Jonathan Holloway.
    (k) (II.370) 8 June 1717. Tender from Gabriel Ayres.

    Record Last Modified at 09:52 on 7 Nov 2005

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    Sir John Craig (Newton and the Mint) indicates copper coinage was=20
    started in 1718 withthe dies dated the previous year. Craig=20
    indicates Wood was a frequent tenderer of copper to the Mint but it=20
    was not until 1722 did he receive a license to the Sister Isle.

    This evidence leads Flinn to the Calendar of Treasury Books of 1718=20
    and on pages 17, 57 and 495 and confirms the above in the article:

    "William Wood and the Coke Smelting Process byMichael W. Flinn. In=20
    this article Flinn recounts Wood had been a supplier of copper coins=20
    to the government since at least 1718 and continuued to tender for=20
    coinage contracts until 1729 (Calendar of State Papers of 1729-30,=20
    pages 107,111).

    TWO seperate pieces of evdience CONFIRMING 1717 coinage tenders for=20
    these bath metal issues. Michael Flinn and Sir John Craig have=20
    opened the door - we only need to WALK THROUGH IT ... if we dare???

URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2006-09-20
  • 1


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