Entire IAPN IBSCC Bulletin on Counterfeits now on ForgeryNetwork.com Public Deposited
- From administrator@forgerynetwork.com Thu Nov 30 04:43:09 2006
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From: "forgerynetcom" <administrator@forgerynetwork.com>
Subject: Entire IAPN IBSCC Bulletin on Counterfeits now on ForgeryNetwork.com
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We are pleased to announce that the entire series of The IBSCC=20
Bulletin on Counterfeits has been incorporated into=20
Forgerynetwork.com ( http://www.forgerynetwork.com ) with permission=20
from the copyright holder.=20=20=20
Included are all the coins photographed, published and condemned by=20=20
the IBSCC - the International Bureau of the Suppression of=20
Counterfeit Coins. These all have been classed as "Forgery -=20
Published" as they have been condemned by a recognised institution=20
and will be the first to be displayed in any search.
The database now contains almost 6000 records - 3000 of these being=20
published counterfeits. The database is by far the largest public=20
counterfeit coin database in the world and is now an essential=20
tool. All purchases made should be checked against this database to=20
help verify authenticity.
The database contains a large number of counterfeits from the United=20
States also. See...
We wish to expand the database further and encourage participation,=20
whether this be contributing items, commenting on contributions or=20
sponsoring or making donations so we an incorporate more published=20
This has been a huge undertaking, thus we hope you will take=20
advantage of this essential resource.
Best Regards
Mark Naber
http://www.forgerynetwork.com - 2006-11-30
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