eBay Watched Item Ending Soon Public Deposited

VOCE POPULI 1760 - NELSON 7 R 7 /4-12 SPECIMENS EXTANT/ (230131396940)

[Colonial Numismatics] FW


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  • From bkweston@verizon.net Mon May 28 20:23:57 2007
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    From: "Byron Weston" <bkweston@verizon.net>
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] FW: eBay Watched Item Ending Soon: VOCE POPULI 1760 - NELSON 7 R 7 /4-12 SPECIMENS EXTANT/ (230131396940)
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    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "Freidus, Daniel" <freidus@...>=20
    > My experience has been that if an email from "ebay" says "dear=20
    member" or somethign like that, it's usually fake. I have not gotten=20
    one purporting to be from ebay that included my real name that I have=20
    ever found to be fake.
    > Here's what I think happened. Ebay sent the message (maybe they do=20
    that for watched items over a certain price) but before you looked the=20
    seller lowered the opening bid.
    > Dan

    That could have been what happened with the first listing, and again=20
    with the current listing; the seller keeps changing things...?!
    I'm not sure the message, supposedly from eBay, was legit though.=20
    Seller's tend to lower prices, not raise them - unless they're complete=20
    idiots, which this seller could very well be! So, I don't know!?!

Source URL Date published
  • 2007-05-28
  • 1


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