a word to the wise Öffentlichkeit Deposited
- From bkweston@verizon.net Tue Sep 04 10:22:12 2007
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From: "Byron Weston" <bkweston@verizon.net>
Subject: Re: a word to the wise
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--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "bobbyorrs"=20
<glickman.james@...> wrote:
> Byron et al.: My take on the response you received below from that=20
> seller was that it was the work of a knave and not a fool. His=20
> response to your inquiry seems to me to be well thought out &=20
> purposefully self-contradictory, designed to give you a measure of=20
> false comfort while aiding the seller if a dispute arises after a=20
> sale. This person has brains aplenty, it's just that he is using=20
> them for nefarious purposes. This example is another reason why I,=20
> as a non-expert in the colonial area, feel increasingly wary of=20
> and increasingly appreciative of sellers with proven track records=20
> with whom I'm familiar.
> Sorry for the late response to this thread.
> -- Jim
Good point, Jim, this seller is continuing to avoid giving me a=20
direct answer to my question and evades doing so with questions=20
rather than an answer. I've rephrased the same question three times=20
now and still have not gotten anything that even resembles an answer.
Byron - 2007-09-04
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