"No Coulter" on ebay 上市 Deposited
- From buell@vectrafitness.com Mon Jan 14 11:37:34 2008
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From: "Buell Ish" <buell@vectrafitness.com>
Subject: "No Coulter" on ebay
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It appears to me that the following item sold for what is not a market=20
price. A market price is defined as a price mutually agreeable to a=20
knowledgeable seller and a knowledgeable buyer. In this case it appears=20
that both the seller and more than one bidder are not knowledgeable.=20
I think it is a Maris 21 obverse, which is a "with coulter" variety. I=20
also don't think it is muled with the reverse US Cent that was posted.=20
I don't know what the reverse looks like, likely something common=20
like "N", but who knows.
item 120209171152
Oh well.
Buell - 2008-01-14
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