[Colonial Numismatics] Wood 33 = English Evasion #1 Público Deposited

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  • From joshalso2000@yahoo.com Mon Jan 21 18:17:30 2008
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    From: Morris Hankins <joshalso2000@yahoo.com>
    Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] Wood 33 = English Evasion #1
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    John, before everyone gets flumoxed on this coin, note the following:

    It is GLORIUVS, NOT GLORIOVS. Look at the first "O" and then compare.

    Next, yes it is a possibility for the "L" to be an "E", which would make it GEORIUVS. At this point it is still too early to make an infomed and practical decision on this.

    Further info and photos to follow. My wife underwent surgery two days ago, and I'm just not fully into this at this moment.


    John Lorenzo <jlorenzo@ob.ilww.com> wrote:
    I think I may give everybody a headache on this one - not only is
    their a reverse legend change (minimally BITIT to BRTIT) but also on
    the obverse from GLORIOVS III VIS to GEORIOVS III VIS. The "L" to
    an "E". Take a CLOSE LOOK! These two obverse/reverse legend changes
    of course making it more British - not so much more Evasive .
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    <div>John, before everyone gets flumoxed on this coin, note the following:</div> <div> </div> <div>It is <STRONG>GLORIUVS</STRONG>, NOT <STRONG>GLORIOVS</STRONG>.  Look at the first "O" and then compare.</div> <div> </div> <div>Next, yes it is a possibility for the "L" to be an "E", which would make it <STRONG>GEORIUVS.  </STRONG>At this point it is still too early to make an infomed and practical decision on this.</div> <div> </div> <div>Further info and photos to follow.  My wife underwent surgery two days ago, and I'm just not fully into this at this moment.</div> <div> </div> <div>Morris<BR><BR><B><I>John Lorenzo <jlorenzo@ob.ilww.com></I></B> wrote:</div> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">I think I may give everybody a headache on this one - not only is <BR>their a reverse legend change (minimally BITIT to BRTIT) but also on <BR>the obverse from
    GLORIOVS III VIS to GEORIOVS III VIS. The "L" to <BR>an "E". Take a CLOSE LOOK! These two obverse/reverse legend changes <BR>of course making it more British - not so much more Evasive <BG><A href="mailto:.@yahoogroups.com">.</A></BLOCKQUOTE>
URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2008-01-21
  • 1


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