Wood-33 inappropriate? Público Deposited
- From bkweston@verizon.net Thu Jan 24 10:14:53 2008
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From: "Byron Weston" <bkweston@verizon.net>
Subject: Re: Wood-33 inappropriate?
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--- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "Oliver D. Hoover"=20
<oliver.hoover@...> wrote:
> In light of what Clem reported earlier, I wanted to ask whether=20=20
> listmembers were generally annoyed with the lengthy Wood-33=20=20
> discussion last week? I want to know if there is any consensus on=20=20
> whether the Blacksmiths, which are somewhat more "Canadian" than=20=20
> "American" and circulated later than American Confederation are=20=20
> considered inappropriate for discussion here.
> Oliver
Hi Oliver,
I've always been intrigued by just about anything copper and=20
(contemporary) counterfeit, be it evasion, "blacksmith," or=20
halfpence, et al. Regardless of whether or not there are any direct=20
or indirect links between the three, or wherever they may have=20
originated, or where they circulated, it is wise to have at a least a=20
good general knowledge of all three. I can only add that knowledge of=20
the genuine coin that all three imitate would be good as well.
Byron=20=20 - 2008-01-24
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