Ray Rambling Again Público Deposited
- From glickman.james@dol.gov Sat Feb 09 15:06:05 2008
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From: "Jim Glickman" <glickman.james@dol.gov>
Subject: Re: Ray Rambling Again
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Ray, enjoyed your "rambling."=20=20
Yes, I also calculate the cost of things I spend money on in terms of=20
coins I want to buy, it becomes more of a habit of mind every year.=20=20
And whenever I figure out a way to save money, I think of it terms of=20
helping me justify the money I'm spending on coins. I guess I'm on my=20
way to being "addicted" like those of you who've been at this quite a=20
while! -- Jim - 2008-02-09
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