C4 Library Auction #2 Publique Deposited

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  • From leo_j_shane@hotmail.com Mon Jun 09 17:18:03 2008
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    To: C4 Online <c4online@yahoogroups.com>, Colonial Coins Group
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    From: Leo Shane <leo_j_shane@hotmail.com>
    Subject: C4 Library Auction #2
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    The C4 Library Auction #2 featuring many of Mike Ringo's Non Colonial and d=
    uplicate Colonial books is now on line at the C4 Club website. www.colonia=
    lcoins.org There are many interesting books and the last auction had many=
    books sold at bargin prices. The C4 newsletter will be out shortly and wi=
    ll also contain the details but you can get a head start and view it now. B=
    e sure to read the rules of sale over carefully. There are some changes fr=
    om the first auction. This will be the last of the books from Mike Ringo's=
    personal library that will be sold by C4. The auction close date is 29 Ju=
    ne 2008. Remember that all proceeds go to C4.=20=20
    Thanks to Stan Stephens (C4 Clubsite Webmaster) for his help in getting thi=
    s on the website and Thanks to Syd Martin (C4 Newsletter Editor) for gettin=
    g this into the newsletter. Contact me if you have any questions.
    Good Luck to all
    Leo Shane
    C4 Librarian
    PS: This auction is open to C4 and EAC members. If someone knows of an e =
    group that covers EAC Collectors, please let me know, thanks
    Search that pays you back! Introducing Live Search cashback.
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    .hmmessage P
    FONT-SIZE: 10pt;
    <body class=3D'hmmessage'>
    The C4 Library Auction #2 featuring many of Mike Ringo's Non Colonial and d=
    uplicate Colonial books is now on line at the C4 Club website.  <A hre=
    f=3D"http://www.colonialcoins.org">www.colonialcoins.org</A>   Th=
    ere are many interesting books and the last auction had many books sold at =
    bargin prices.  The C4 newsletter will be out shortly and will also co=
    ntain the details but you can get a head start and view it now. Be sur=
    e to read the rules of sale over carefully.  There are some changes fr=
    om the first auction.  This will be the last of the books from Mike Ri=
    ngo's personal library that will be sold by C4.  The auction close dat=
    e is 29 June 2008.  Remember that all proceeds go to C4.  <BR>
    Thanks to Stan Stephens (C4 Clubsite Webmaster) for his help in getting thi=
    s on the website and Thanks to Syd Martin (C4 Newsletter Editor) for gettin=
    g this into the newsletter.  Contact me if you have any questions.<BR>
    sp;      Good Luck to all<BR>
    sp;            =
         Leo Shane<BR>
    sp;            =
         C4 Librarian<BR>
    PS:  This auction is open to C4 and EAC members.  If someone know=
    s of an e group that covers EAC Collectors, please let me know, thanks<BR><=
    br /><hr />Search that pays you back! Introducing Live Search cashback. <a =
    crea=3Dsrchpaysyouback' target=3D'_new'>Search Now!</a></body>
URL source Date publiée
  • 2008-06-09
  • 1

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Auteur NNP