Ray Rambling Again... Public Deposited

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  • From njraywms@optonline.net Mon Jul 07 12:35:44 2008
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    From: Ray Williams <njraywms@optonline.net>
    Subject: Ray Rambling Again...
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    Hi All,
    Just finished the John Adams series on DVD. Will send it quickly to th=
    e C4 Library. From what I've read and been told, this portrait of Adams an=
    d the rest of our founding fathers seems to be very accurate. We sometimes=
    forget that these were real men with problems to deal with outside of thei=
    r political and military accomplishments. I left the final chapter with a =
    slightly different view of the men that formed our nation, and a respect fo=
    r John Adams, who I knew little about previously. The man had flaws and sh=
    ould not be a candidate for sainthood, but the man had character!=20=20
    On another topic (being that I'm rambling), I was talking with a few fr=
    iends in the past couple days about the hobby in general and this chat grou=
    p specifically. This is a public forum and not controlled in any way by C4=
    or its officers. I enjoy posting here and maybe with the quantity of wha=
    t you read (or delete) from me, you might think it's a C4 function. It's n=
    ot. Many here are C4 members, some are not. I don't understand why everyo=
    ne isn't a C4 member - even if you can't attend the conventions, access to =
    the lending library, the C4 Newsletters and the auction catalog are worth m=
    uch more than the $25 dues to join - even if you only have a passing intere=
    st in colonials! I also feel that you're missing a lot if you don't subscr=
    ibe to CNL too!

    With the exception of the first C4 President (Mike Hodder - researcher/=
    author/cataloger), all of us have been regular collectors and not professio=
    nal numismatists, with families and full time jobs. There is no financial =
    reward to being a C4 officer and it actually costs some of us. But please =
    remember that we are no different than anyone else on this group - we're ju=
    st trying to have fun and enjoy our hobbies. I'm sure that Mike Hodder's i=
    nvolvement in C4 was also purely for the hobby too. So if one of us posts =
    on this group, we are doing so as collectors, not representatives of C4. A=
    lthough I'd like to think that all the C4 officers are a cut above (in my o=
    pinion), when we post here we are not representing opinions or policies of =
    C4, we are just representing ourselves as collectors. These officers make =
    sacrifices in their positions to make the hobby better for all, please allo=
    w them to express themselves as individuals.

    This group is also a microcosm of society in general. We have everyone=
    from taxi driver to electronic technician, with doctors, lawyers and every=
    one else in between. We have professional numismatists, researchers, autho=
    rs, collectors and all that are interested in colonials. Then we get to pe=
    rsonalities... Just like in the world away from our computers, there are t=
    hose we befriend, avoid, think stupid, admire and sometimes despise. I wis=
    h the negatives were not on that list, but in reality they need to be there=
    . It was suggested to me that the hobby might have lost possible colonial =
    collectors because of occasional bickering and fighting online. After list=
    ening to his argument, I could see that if I just wandered onto this group =
    during a confrontation, I could be turned off to colonials. So please, whe=
    n debating different colonial related topics, keep the discussion to presen=
    ting your cases (facts, observations & theories), and not conduct personal =
    affronts (attacking another's intelligence, lack of education, IQ, good loo=
    ks or personal lineage). I've been asked why I don't step in sometimes, an=
    d the answer is that the responsibility is with the moderator and this is n=
    ot a C4 owned group. Also, we are all adults and there really should be no=
    need to have a moderator step in. Any defamation of character should be d=
    one in private communication between the people involved. We should be all=
    having FUN.

    As an example, I could get in a debate with Craig McDonald about the NJ=
    Coppers being a much more worthy pursuit for collecting than those coppers=
    made in Connecticut. As some have noticed, Craig and I will kid each othe=
    r occasionally about this topic. I make no comments on where he is in the =
    food chain because he collects CT Coppers <BG>, nor do I do that to David P=
    almer for collecting those Federal Coppers <VBG>. But if I truly did insul=
    t one of them, then they would feel obligated to respond and set off a chai=
    n reaction that could last for weeks, and possibly affect friendships. So =
    let's all make an effort to "do unto others..."

    We're getting close to publishing another C4 Newsletter - I got the wor=
    d from Syd that he needs a president's message. I'm looking forward to see=
    ing many at the Summer ANA in Baltimore at the end of the month. I'll be t=
    here Thursday AM thru Saturday - room and transport all set up. Don't forg=
    et that Saturday AM at 9:00 there is an open C4 meeting at the ANA. Be the=
    re or be a Federal Collector<BG>=20=20

    Have a great day!

    Note: The above comments are solely those of the author and do not represe=
    nt the opinions of any organizations he may be affiliated with. <BG>

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    <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Hi All,</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV>    <FONT face=Arial size=2>Just finished the John
    Adams series on DVD.  Will send it quickly to the C4 Library.  From
    what I've read and been told, this portrait of Adams and the rest of our
    founding fathers seems to be very accurate.  We sometimes forget that these
    were real men with problems to deal with outside of their political and military
    accomplishments.  I left the final chapter with a slightly different view
    of the men that formed our nation, and a respect for John Adams, who I knew
    little about previously.  The man had flaws and should not be a candidate
    for sainthood, but the man had character!  </FONT></DIV>
    <DIV>    </DIV>
    <DIV>    <FONT face=Arial size=2>On another topic (being
    that I'm rambling), I was talking with a few friends in the past couple days
    about the hobby in general and this chat group specifically.  This is a
    public forum and not controlled in any way by C4 or its officers.   I
    enjoy posting here and maybe with the quantity of what you read (or delete) from
    me, you might think it's a C4 function.  It's not.  Many here are C4
    members, some are not.  I don't understand why everyone isn't a C4 member -
    even if you can't attend the conventions, access to the lending library, the C4
    Newsletters and the auction catalog are worth much more than the $25 dues to
    join - even if you only have a passing interest in colonials!  I also feel
    that you're missing a lot if you don't subscribe to CNL too!</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV>    <FONT face=Arial size=2>With the exception of the
    first C4 President (Mike Hodder - researcher/author/cataloger), all of us have
    been regular collectors and not professional numismatists, with families
    and full time jobs.  There is no financial reward to being a C4 officer and
    it actually costs some of us.  But please remember that we are no different
    than anyone else on this group - we're just trying to have fun and enjoy our
    hobbies.  I'm sure that Mike Hodder's involvement in C4 was also purely for
    the hobby too.  So if one of us posts on this group, we are doing so as
    collectors, not representatives of C4.  Although I'd like to think that all
    the C4 officers are a cut above (in my opinion), when we post here we are not
    representing opinions or policies of C4, we are just representing ourselves as
    collectors.  These officers make sacrifices in their positions to make the
    hobby better for all, please allow them to express themselves as
    <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV>    <FONT face=Arial size=2>This group is also a
    microcosm of society in general.  We have everyone from taxi driver to
    electronic technician, with doctors, lawyers and everyone else in between. 
    We have professional numismatists, researchers, authors, collectors and all that
    are interested in colonials.  Then we get to personalities...  Just
    like in the world away from our computers, there are those we befriend, avoid,
    think stupid, admire and sometimes despise.  I wish the negatives were not
    on that list, but in reality they need to be there.  It was suggested to me
    that the hobby might have lost possible colonial collectors because of
    occasional bickering and fighting online.  After listening to his argument,
    I could see that if I just wandered onto this group during a confrontation, I
    could be turned off to colonials.  So please, when debating different
    colonial related topics, keep the discussion to presenting your cases (facts,
    observations & theories), and not conduct personal affronts (attacking
    another's intelligence, lack of education, IQ, good looks or personal
    lineage<EM>).</EM>  I've been asked why I don't step in sometimes, and the
    answer is that the responsibility is with the moderator and this is not a C4
    owned group.  Also, we are all adults and there really should be no need to
    have a moderator step in.  Any defamation of character should be done in
    private communication between the people involved.  We should be all having
    <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV>    <FONT face=Arial size=2>As an example, I could get
    in a debate with Craig McDonald about the NJ Coppers being a much more worthy
    pursuit for collecting than those coppers made in Connecticut.  As some
    have noticed, Craig and I will kid each other occasionally about this
    topic.  I make no comments on where he is in the food chain because he
    collects CT Coppers <BG>, nor do I do that to David Palmer for collecting
    those Federal Coppers <VBG>.  But if I truly did insult one of
    them, then they would feel obligated to respond and set off a chain
    reaction that could last for weeks, and possibly affect friendships.  So
    let's all make an effort to "do unto others..."</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV>    <FONT face=Arial size=2>We're getting close to
    publishing another C4 Newsletter - I got the word from Syd that he needs a
    president's message.  I'm looking forward to seeing many at the Summer ANA
    in Baltimore at the end of the month.  I'll be there Thursday AM thru
    Saturday - room and transport all set up.  Don't forget that Saturday AM at
    9:00 there is an open C4 meeting at the ANA.  Be there or be a Federal
    Collector<BG>  </FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Have a great day!</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Ray</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Note:  The above comments are solely those of
    the author and do not represent the opinions of any organizations he may be
    affiliated with.  <BG></FONT></DIV>
    <DIV>     </DIV>
    <DIV><EM>    </EM></DIV>
    <DIV><EM>    </EM></DIV></BODY></HTML>

Source URL Date published
  • 2008-07-07
  • 1


NNP Author