C4 Library Auction #2 Öffentlichkeit Deposited

[Colonial Numismatics] RE

  • From sstephens@hsc.wvu.edu Tue Jul 29 10:52:59 2008
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    From: "Stan Stephens" <sstephens@hsc.wvu.edu>
    Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] RE: C4 Library Auction #2
    X-Yahoo-Group-Post: member; u=12789478; y=kUZ1XGya_2cDWzSk-TeINNQEdCbZVzskezjul0WszfMYTJy2gA
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    Hi Leo,
    Did you ever post the PRL for auction #2?

    >>> Leo Shane <leo_j_shane@hotmail.com> 7/1/2008 8:04 AM >>>

    Tonight (Tuesday) 11:59 PM. That's it. No more emails. <BG>

    From: leo_j_shane@hotmail.comTo: c4online@yahoogroups.com;
    colonial-coins@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: C4 Library Auction #2Date:
    Mon, 30 Jun 2008 17:32:46 +0000

    Hi AllThe C4 Library Book Auction #2 is now history. Thank You to all
    who participated. This morning I sent out Invoices to all the winning
    bidders. Please contact me if you have any questions. I'll have a PRL
    in a few days. One last item regarding this auction. Lots# 9, 13 (Van
    Allen), 18, 19, 44 and 49 did not receive any bids. Note there are two
    lot #13s (My Error). Lot #13 - "What Could Have Been" sold, however,
    Lot#13 - "Big Silver Things" did not. I'm calling this Lot #13 (Van
    Allen). I'm extending the bidding until Tuesday night 1 July 11:59 PM
    EDT for the unsold Lots #9, 13 (Van Allen), 18, 19, 44 and 49. All
    other rules of the original auction will apply and I am not answering
    requests for the current high bid (I'm gettin lazy, lol). Take your
    best shot and help me get these books out of my house. lol =
    Good Luck Leo=20=20

    From: leo_j_shane@hotmail.comTo: c4online@yahoogroups.com;
    colonial-coins@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: C4 Library Auction #2Date:
    Sun, 29 Jun 2008 01:37:05 +0000

    OK, Last call Sunday night (29 June) 11:59PM EDT is the deadline.=20
    Bargins still exist. Don't lose out. Leo
    PS: If anyone has bid but did not get an acknowledgement from me, it
    means I haven't received your bid. Check with me ASAP. Thanks

    From: leo_j_shane@hotmail.comTo: c4online@yahoogroups.com;
    colonial-coins@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: C4 Library Auction #2Date:
    Wed, 25 Jun 2008 11:25:38 +0000

    Good Morning Boys and Girls, <BG> Today,=20

    Wednesday (25 June) 11:59PM EDT is the deadline to ask for the current
    highest bid in the book auction. Sunday (29 June) 11:59 PM EDT is the
    deadline to bid. Many lots still do not have any bids and there are
    bargins everywhere. NOW is the time to get your bids in on some great
    reading and research material. Remember, all proceeds go to C4 and you
    must be a member of C4 or EAC to bid. Thursday morning through
    Saturday evening, I will be away from e mail. Sorry about that. I will
    have time on Thursday morning to respond to all "current high bid"
    questions received before the deadline. But, I will not be able to get
    acknowledgments or answer questions received on Thursday or later until
    Saturday night or Sunday. If you haven't heard from me by Sunday
    morning, check with me, since it probably means I do not have your e
    mail. I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on that treasure you're buying
    yourself for your birthday. lol Thanks to all who
    participated so far. As for the rest of you, I don't want to hear any
    crying when you see how low some of these books are going for. lol =

    From: leo_j_shane@hotmail.comTo: c4online@yahoogroups.com;
    colonial-coins@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: C4 Library Auction #2Date:
    Mon, 16 Jun 2008 20:14:46 +0000

    Did someone forget to give you a Father's Day gift? Birthday? Late or
    Early Christmas Present? Maybe they can't think of what to get. Why
    not point them to the C4 Club website www.colonialcoins.org or hand them
    a copy of the C4 Newsletter with the Lot numbers of the books you want
    circled. It's subtle but actually does work. lol By now, all of you
    should have your C4 Newsletter in hand and can see the details for the
    auction. Bidding is now underway but many bargins still exist. Take a
    look now and place some bids. Remember the auction closes in less than
    two weeks, 29 June 2008. Don't miss out on some great reading and
    reference material. Leo PS: I have faithfully sent
    acknowledgements to=20
    those who have sent in bids. If you bid but did not
    get an acknowledgement, that means I didn't receive you bid. Contact me
    ASAP so we can work things out. Thanks

    From: leo_j_shane@hotmail.comTo: c4online@yahoogroups.com;
    colonial-coins@yahoogroups.comSubject: C4 Library Auction #2Date:
    Tue, 10 Jun 2008 00:17:59 +0000

    The C4 Library Auction #2 featuring many of Mike Ringo's Non Colonial
    and duplicate Colonial books is now on line at the C4 Club website.=20
    www.colonialcoins.org There are many interesting books and the last
    auction had many books sold at bargin prices. The C4 newsletter will be
    out shortly and will also contain the details but you can get a head
    start and view it now. Be sure to read the rules of sale over carefully.
    There are some changes from the first auction. This will be the last
    of the books from Mike Ringo's personal library that will be sold by C4.
    The auction close date is 29 June 2008. Remember that all proceeds go
    to C4. Thanks to Stan Stephens (C4 Clubsite Webmaster) for his help in
    getting this on the website and Thanks to Syd Martin (C4 Newsletter
    Editor) for getting this into the newsletter. Contact me if you have
    any questions. Good Luck to all =
    Leo Shane C4 Librarian PS: This
    auction is open to C4 and EAC members. If someone knows of an e group
    that covers EAC Collectors, please let me know, thanks

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Quell-URL Veröffentlichungsdatum
  • 2008-07-29
  • 1

