Sale of coins Public Deposited

[Colonial Numismatics] Re


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  • From Fri Oct 31 20:31:00 2008
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    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Sale of coins
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    Didn't you chide Mr. Lupia the other day for his bad jokes?<S> David

    Original Message:
    From: Oliver D. Hoover
    Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 22:49:24 -0400
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Sale of coins

    Hey, the kids' gotta eat.

    Sorry I'm not the piker you always thought I was.


    On 31-Oct-08, at 9:46 PM, wrote:

    > "my 20% fee" And I thought you made those pikes yourself!=20=20
    > Apparently you
    > need a new supplier<S> David
    > Original Message:
    > -----------------
    > From: Oliver D. Hoover
    > Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 19:45:34 -0400
    > To:
    > Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Sale of coins
    > Clem,
    > It doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother others. A good idea might
    > be to prefix sale posts with $$$ so that people who don't care can
    > just delete the message.
    > I especially like to hear about books for sale. I have a slight
    > problem in that area.
    > Of course, there's also the matter of my 20% fee on all sales made
    > through the list. <BG>
    > Oliver
    > On 31-Oct-08, at 6:44 PM, Clement V. Schettino wrote:
    >> Hey Dan,
    >> I love it! I like to buy coins, books and supplies too, and if they
    >> don=92t happen to be my cup of tea I still like to look at pictures
    >> of coins and related items for sale. I=92ll look around to see what I
    >> have already photo=92d and start us off. I will start my sales with
    >> COIN SALE; CVS001.
    >> I think the only person that matters, with regards to this idea,
    >> that might have a problem would be Oliver, if this breaks some
    >> unknown YAHOO rule.
    >> Clem
    >> From: [mailto:colonial-
    >>] On Behalf Of Dan Burleson
    >> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 6:09 PM
    >> To:
    >> Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] Re: Sale of coins
    >> I seem to remember awhile ago we discussed setting up an are of
    >> this forum where members could sell coins if they wanted to. If no
    >> one has strong objections, why couldn't we just have a header: COIN
    >> SALE with a unique ID and a date. Offers could be handled
    >> privately. Members could list duplicate books, catalogs, e-bay
    >> sales etc. If not interested that string could be deleted. It seems
    >> like every time someone wants to sell something they have to
    >> apologize first in the form of a disclaimer: "Crass
    >> Commercialization Memo"
    >> Just a thought
    >> Dan
    >> Steve Frank wrote:
    >>> i was sorry to see this in the catalog clem. having bought and
    >>> sold and traded with you in the past. you were always more than
    >>> fair in what you'd pay and what you'd ask on coins and really wish
    >>> you had been given more consideration on your consignments. i
    >>> guess this is still considered too small an area in colonials to
    >>> merit the respect those of us who collect counterfeits believe
    >>> they deserve. i know this is not an advertising forum, and posting
    >>> pics of all the coins here may get some people a little warm under
    >>> the collar. i'm not sure if you can do this with your web page,
    >>> but you could always list all the coins there with photo and lot
    >>> number and periodically post links to your web page here for lot
    >>> viewing. i know you'll feel you're doing extra work that could
    >>> have been done elsewhere, but for the sake of your prices
    >>> realized, this may be the best route to take for those of us who
    >>> would like to see the coins and can't attend the convention. as
    >>> for mail bid only, i agree with you. you could have run your own
    >>> seperate live auction as we all know people spend more in the heat
    >>> of a live auction than they will on a mail bid only auction. i
    >>> wish you the best on what you decide to leave in. steve
    >>> --- On Fri, 10/31/08, Clement V. Schettino
    >>> <> wrote:
    >>> From: Clement V. Schettino <>
    >>> Subject: RE: [Colonial Numismatics] comments on NL
    >>> To:
    >>> Date: Friday, October 31, 2008, 12:16 AM
    >>> Hey Marc,
    >>> Unfortunately you won=92t be =93stealing=94 any of the Spanish American
    >>> Colonials, since that whole collection (although meager) was mine,
    >>> all I had, and will be withdrawn. As you can imagine not quite the
    >>> plan I had when this time came to sell ;-(
    >>> It was just at this past ANA when I was on my way to see Vicken to
    >>> talk about consigning them, my Blacksmiths and much more to a
    >>> Stacks sale when I got hijacked, err I mean told how nicely my
    >>> esoteric stuff would be handled if consigned. So the club got it
    >>> all=85and I got it good.
    >>> I truly wish you could have =93stolen=94 them all, but in a fair
    >>> fight. Not with me tied down.
    >>> You may be looking at my stuff there too, so good luck, that stuff
    >>> will go as planed. Right now I=92m stuck between a rock and a hard
    >>> place or I may have pulled everything.
    >>> Clem
    >>> From: colonial-coins@ yahoogroups. com [mailto: colonial-coins@
    >>> yahoogroups. com ] On Behalf Of marc
    >>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 11:46 PM
    >>> To: colonial-coins@ yahoogroups. com
    >>> Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] comments on NL
    >>> Hey Clem,
    >>> I used to own that Liberace head that sold in Stack's7-18- 2007. I
    >>> wouldn't want to tell you what I sold it for."Live and learn".
    >>> Guess I wouldn't be trying to steal the one in this year's C4
    >>> sale. Actually, I have my sights set on some things earlier in the
    >>> sale.
    >>> Nice 83!!!
    >>> Sounds like your son is having a great time.
    >>> Marc
    >>> ----- Original Message -----
    >>> From: Clement V. Schettino
    >>> To: colonial-coins@ yahoogroups. com
    >>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 21:10
    >>> Subject: RE: [Colonial Numismatics] comments on NL
    >>> Hey Marc,
    >>> I have two of the =93usual=94 1762=92s, labeled that by Anton before he
    >>> knew better, which are really 1752 Simians. I do have that 1761
    >>> you spoke of.
    >>> No, Alex is in a Study Abroad Program from the University of
    >>> Hartford , CT. He=92s been away for quite awhile now and I miss him
    >>> badly, he was my fishing buddy ;-(. I did just get off the phone
    >>> with him though and he=92s doing fine. He calls me quite a bit. When
    >>> I told him I was going fishing tomorrow with his uncle, my
    >>> brother, he one-upped me and told me he may be going out on the
    >>> ocean fishing with a friend from the hall. He=92ll be back home
    >>> early next year. He finishes up with school at the end of November
    >>> but since his visa is good till next year he=92ll be backpacking his
    >>> was down the coast and then over to New Zealand for a few weeks to
    >>> cap it off.
    >>> I didn=92t even think of having him root around at some local coin
    >>> shops! I=92ll ask but he=92s been keeping himself pretty busy between
    >>> excelling at school, getting his scuba certification (done),
    >>> surfing lessons (done) and traveling locally (done). He does know
    >>> what I like and actually I did get the attached from there a
    >>> little over 7 years ago. It=92s still one of my favorites. It has
    >>> the feel of more of a presentation piece then a counterfeit. It is
    >>> very thick and heavy too. A friend from Ireland had speculated
    >>> just that thinking maybe some Mint could have produced this piece
    >>> with non-existent date as a prototype or sample of what they could
    >>> produce for Australia ?
    >>> Me mad=85not mad=85livered! For instance that=92s my 1793 counterfeit
    >>> New York 2R, IN COPPER and CHOICE! Given one line, no pic and no
    >>> mention of copper (from Peru ???)? Take at look at how Stack=92s
    >>> treated this variety in their Sale of 7/18/07, Lot 1023. Color
    >>> plated with a =BE page description=85don=92 t get me going. I will
    >>> publish a list of my other coins/lots that were treated similarly.
    >>> Yes no offense, and 633 & 643 are nice enough coins but really! I
    >>> wouldn=92t trade my K.93A-L6 for 4 of L633=92s PLUS a ROLL of L643=92s.
    >>> So it=92s probably safe to assume you=92ll have plenty of =93extra=94
    >>> money to bid the front of the sale after you get my list of all
    >>> that =93worthless esoteric stuff=94 I consigned. When was the last
    >>> time you saw a CHOICE high grade Wood 17? Oops, I guess you still
    >>> haven=92t.
    >>> Clem
    >>> From: colonial-coins@ yahoogroups. com [mailto: colonial-coins@
    >>> yahoogroups. com ] On Behalf Of marc
    >>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 9:55 PM
    >>> To: colonial-coins@ yahoogroups. com
    >>> Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] comments on NL
    >>> Hi Clem,
    >>> I did say that the date contained a bit of speculation <s> or at
    >>> least I meant to.I also don't think the AK pieces were meant to
    >>> read 7762 either. Do you have a 1762? Seems I recall someone
    >>> having a farthing with that date.
    >>> I'll look forward to your running fox counterstamp. I really like
    >>> counterstamps, unfortunaltely so does Dave. ;-(
    >>> Definitely speak with your son in Australia . Is he on vacation?
    >>> They probably have some Brit cfts down under, might have him look
    >>> around.
    >>> It would be nice to know which lots are being pulled:I'm still
    >>> undecided on what to bid on. Are you mad because they were
    >>> undercataloged? No offense to anyone, but the mail bid section is
    >>> rather haphazard with not a lot of rhyme or reason. I would have
    >>> much rather had the Vexator or the triple struck piece plated than
    >>> lot 633 or 643. Oh well,you can't have everything.
    >>> Regards,
    >>> Marc
    >>> ----- Original Message -----
    >>> From: Clement V. Schettino
    >>> To: colonial-coins@ yahoogroups. com
    >>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 19:33
    >>> Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] comments on NL
    >>> Hey all,
    >>> Another great news letter this quarter. Thanks to all.
    >>> Marc, neat counterstamp, it does seem to be more of a bulldog to
    >>> me. As far as the host=85well I=92ve always liked that variety, I=92ve
    >>> attached mine. I recently won a M.48-g NJ with ctsp, at first
    >>> glance from a distance it appears to be a K but under a glass and
    >>> turned 90 degrees CCW it looks like a running fox. I=92ll try and
    >>> post an image tomorrow if I have time before I go fishing ;-), if
    >>> not later.
    >>> Ray, I found your article thought provoking and plan to reread it.
    >>> And neat double strike too! I also plan to walk down to the Boston
    >>> mint sight with you guys on Friday.
    >>> Marc, another great article that I plan to reread. I take a grain
    >>> of salt with any dates quoted in print, even first hand accounts
    >>> since many numismatists can disagree on a date, the general public
    >>> is definitely =93not to be trusted=94 to get it right. Still food for
    >>> thought. Maybe I can comment further after I read it again. I
    >>> planned to do that right now while having dinner but my son just
    >>> called from Australia and I had to blow him off a half hour while
    >>> I eat so I better focus on one thing for now, ok two, this
    >>> preliminary email too ;-)
    >>> John, nice idea for a column. I will try to contribute.
    >>> George, I was at that ANA and didn=92t hear a single mention of this
    >>> new MM=92s discovery. I=92m surprised it wasn=92t mentioned at the
    >>> meeting when my discovery of a new V.23-87C was brought up? So
    >>> what=92s up, who examined this piece? Has this coin found a new home
    >>> yet?
    >>> Later,
    >>> Clem
    >>> size=3D2 width=3D"100%" align=3Dcenter tabIndex=3D-1>
    >>> From: colonial-coins@ yahoogroups. com [mailto: colonial-coins@
    >>> yahoogroups. com ] On Behalf Of Clement V. Schettino
    >>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 8:59 PM
    >>> To: colonial-coins@ yahoogroups. com
    >>> Subject: RE: [Colonial Numismatics] 1751 CTFT 1/2D CTSP?
    >>> Thank you. I=92ll take a look and comment. I=92d been meaning to
    >>> comment on a few things in this issue and that image was obviously
    >>> on my mind from there.
    >>> I=92ll also let you know which lots I=92m withdrawing after I=92m
    >>> totally cooled down, I=92ve been =93cooling down=94 for a few days now
    >>> so it shouldn=92t be much longer.
    >>> I planned to mention it early so friends wouldn=92t waste time
    >>> researching rare coins that I=92ll be pulling.
    >>> Clem
    >>> size=3D2 width=3D"100%" align=3Dcenter tabIndex=3D-1>
    >>> From: colonial-coins@ yahoogroups. com [mailto: colonial-coins@
    >>> yahoogroups. com ] On Behalf Of Byron Weston
    >>> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 6:42 PM
    >>> To: colonial-coins@ yahoogroups. com
    >>> Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] 1751 CTFT 1/2D CTSP?
    >>> It's featured on pg.14 of the latest C4 Newsletter.
    >>> Byron
    >>> At 06:23 PM 10/30/2008, you wrote:
    >>>> Hey Marc,
    >>>> I think it was you who, not long ago, posted a 1751 ctft Brit. 1/2d
    >>>> with interesting ctsp. It reminded me of a lion. Was it you? If so
    >>>> could you please repost it?
    >>>> If it was someone else would you repost it?
    >>>> Many thanks,
    >>>> Clem
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