When Counterfeits are Displaced Öffentlichkeit Deposited

  • From centsitive@gmail.com Thu Aug 13 21:34:34 2009
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    Subject: When Counterfeits are Displaced
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    From the August 15, 1785 American Mercury Newspaper, Hartford, CT.

    Philadelphia (Aug 2)
    The vast increase of counterfeit coppers
    in this state, though it may, at the first
    view, appear an object of small moment,
    merits the attention of the community,
    particularly the trading world. The
    immense profit made by the traffic of
    bringing over this vile trash, is so strong
    an inducement, that unless proper steps
    are taken to prevent it, the remaining silver
    money of the country will be drained away
    for it, at one third of its value. It will then
    become necessary for the legislature to
    interfere: their circulation will probably
    be stopped, and every person will suffer
    the loss of as many of them as remain in
    his hands. It frequently happens, on a
    new copper coinage for Ireland, when the
    base coin, which had been in circulation,
    becomes generally refused, that individuals,
    in retailing branches of business, lose
    twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty and sometimes
    even a hundred pounds, by the quantity remaining
    with them. There is an ingenious man in this
    city, who understands perfectly well the
    management of a mint, and if properly
    encouraged, could, with a very small sum
    of money, commence a copper coinage,
    which would be equal to genuine British
    coppers, and besides be giving employment
    to several working people,would save the
    country the sums of money at present
    drawn away for coppers, as well genuine
    as counterfeit.

Quell-URL Veröffentlichungsdatum
  • 2009-08-13
  • 1

