C4 Newsletter - Mayhugh's RI Ship Token Pubblico Deposited

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  • From johnmenc@optonline.net Thu Aug 27 13:54:33 2009
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    Subject: C4 Newsletter - Mayhugh's RI Ship Token
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    Marc - Off the top of my head I would call this specimen a real legitimate =
    RI specimen. Hodder reminded me although Boulton had his hands on the high =
    zinc brass processing technology that would explain the composition of the =
    normal high zinc brass specimens as his signature there was never nothing t=
    o link him to these pieces that I could extract from the Birmingham Central=
    Library (BCL) which houses his papers. My research unfortunately was alway=
    s having to go through a neophyte archivist at the BCL in a back and forth =
    fashion with snail mails. Richard Doty & Hodder both believe the pieces wer=
    e simply to crude for his hand and the records of Boulton producing tokens,=
    medals and coins unfortunately does not start until a decade later than 17=
    79 or so ... this piece seems to fit this CRUDE idealogy and possibly being=
    a poor alloy mix of both brass & pewter. One is always tempted because of =
    the high zinc content in these pieces for it to be of a Boulton process but=
    he may have been a supplier of this alloy to say a less equiped minting op=
    eration. On the other hand in reviewing his minting work this may be an unr=
    ecorded token or medal of his first work? THis has never been proven or unp=
    roven. This is a GREAT piece in my opinion - and the word ELECTRO does not =
    seem to fit into this equation at all in my opinion. Does this piece bring =
    us closer to the actual maker - probably not - but it does emphasize the ov=
    erall crude manufacturing behind these mysterious pieces whether in brass, =
    pewter or this newly dicovered poor alloy mix specimen.=20=20

URL di origine Data di pubblicazione
  • 2009-08-27
  • 1

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Autore NNP