C4 Convention, new friends and life expectancy Público Deposited

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  • From buell@vectrafitness.com Mon Nov 23 11:40:06 2009
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    From: Buell Ish <buell@vectrafitness.com>
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    Subject: C4 Convention, new friends and life expectancy
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    Hi Doug et. al.,
    A convention highlight for me is seeing old friends. I also particularly
    enjoy those that I meet that I know will be part of my group of "old
    friends" when I see them next year. I enjoyed meeting and talking with
    you and look forward to seeing you again next year. I also met Wade C.
    of Florida and Frank W. of NJ among others, and I would be proud to
    number them among my friends. See you next year! It seems that we lose
    an irreplaceable member or two each year, and the club won't be the same
    without Frank M. and Don V., but life goes on. And C4 will go on. And it
    is the likes of Doug, Frank and Wade that convinces me that there will
    be some rotation, but each year I'll have friends to look forward to
    seeing...no matter how old I get. And the older I get, the more of your
    collections I'll get to cherry pick. But I want to cherry pick the
    collections of living friends. So do me a favor, let's get these waist
    lines under control. I looked around the room and there are too many
    whose lifestyles could take 10 or more years off their lives. I want to
    grow old with you guys! Roger Moore had a great check list for
    determining life expectancy. The nice thing about it was that it
    provided a road map to a longer and healthier life. Roger, if you read
    this and know what I'm referring to, maybe you could post it or a link.
    Thanks, Buell

    PS: Sorry about a rambling email. But anyway....skip dessert and go for
    a walk instead.

    LAW DOUGLAS wrote:
    > Ray & other C4 members:
    > I am back in sunny and warm Az.
    > This was my first C4 convention. I really enjoyed the C4 convention. I
    > appreciate all of the hard work that was very obvious from all of the
    > members involved. I met lots of members and learned from everybody. I
    > also gained a lot of insight from the seminars and meetings. I
    > appreciated the auction and the food, especially the shrimp.
    > Thanks again, Doug Law
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  • 2009-11-23
  • 1


Autor NNP