Abel Buell Público Deposited


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  • From peter@oldshawfarm.com Thu Dec 24 05:13:52 2009
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    Subject: Re: Abel Buell
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    Actually I have looked through that book too and I believe Wroth cites it i=
    n his notes. It is cool to see such big chunks of that book online. Amazi=
    ng what they can do with those dang 'puters these days!

    If you really want to get into the weird details of all this, I think aroun=
    d the same time there was a Buell family up in Lebanon CT, who were no rela=
    tions (at least not of any significance), and those Lebanon Buells also had=
    an Abel in their midsts. They show up in that book as well. Perhaps it i=
    s little wonder no one has wanted to revisit the history of Abel Buell post=

    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, Steve Frank <taxi_steve929@...> wrot=
    > http://books.google.com/books?id=3Dma4aAAAAYAAJ&pg=3DPA64&lpg=3DPA64&dq=
    > I don't know if this book was ever posted, but it is an online book on th=
    e history of the Buell family, and shows Abel being born in 1742 in Killing=
    worth. I guess you can download the book and read all about the family<s>

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2009-12-24
  • 1


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