"The Red Violin" film Öffentlichkeit Deposited
- From glickman.james@dol.gov Sun Jan 03 12:00:10 2010
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From: "Jim Glickman" <glickman.james@dol.gov>
Subject: OT: "The Red Violin" film
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I rented the film "The Red Violin" this weekend. Anybody seen it? Althoug=
h obviously not numismatic in content, I found it completely fascinating as=
a coin collector. The film traces the strange chain of ownership of a 17=
th century Italian masterpiece violin, and recounts the human drama connect=
ed to each owner, from the violin's creation to the its eventual sale at au=
ction. It made me think of the power and mystery we each feel beholding a =
surviving object from another age (and, like coins, the violin was actively=
used and therefore central to ongoing human events). The film reminded me=
of how we look at the coins in our collections and often wonder through wh=
ose hands they passed and what stories accompany their use. Great film -- =
it practically made an inanimate object into a character. I highly recomme=
nd it.
-- Jim - 2010-01-03
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