Packers Pubblico Deposited

[Colonial Numismatics] catalogs/OT


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  • From Mon Jan 11 06:52:45 2010
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    From: "Jim Glickman" <>
    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] catalogs/OT: Packers
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    Steve: I kept thinking how nice it would be to have taken the over, while w=
    atching that game. I like the Packers and were rooting for them, and Racke=
    rs almost handed them the game. At least your team showed up and played, u=
    nlike the sad effort my Patriots gave yesterday.

    --- In, Steve Frank <taxi_steve929@...> wrot=
    > Thanks alot Bruce! I never saw the cover before. Just wanted to make sure=
    I didn't have it and just couldn't find it. It's a very depressing nite. M=
    y GB Packers picked me up and then dropped me so many times tonite my head =
    is spinning. The most exciting playoff game ever...or one of them, and woul=
    d have been something I could have enjoyed for the next week had the pack w=
    on....alas....How'd you like to be Aaron Rodgers now...have to wake up and =
    see that he threw for over 400 yards with 4 td passes, led a team who score=
    d 48 points, and that team never had the lead, and lost the game in overtim=
    e. They put themselves behind the 8 ball early with some blunders on rodger=
    s part, and then made some amazing plays, with recovering an onsides kick e= the highlights.....but you better have a lot of time, because t=
    hey will be just about as long as the game!!!...Warner said he's old and wa=
    nts to retire.....29 of 33 complete for 379 yeards in the air, 5 TD's
    > and no interceptions....I don't think he's ready to go back to stocking =
    shelves at the A&P or whatever supermarket he was working at the year befor=
    e he won the super bowl. I haven't bet a game since the 3rd week and don't =
    intend to, but I can tell you one thing. being a fan again instead of a gam=
    bler is no picnic either. I still get the stomach ache and sick feeling whe=
    n my team loses like this. I was telling my buddy when he called me after t=
    he game that I wish they had just gotten blown out from the get go, just li=
    ke losing a horse race....a lot easier to tear the tickets up when your hor=
    se runs in the crapper than if he gets beat on a head bob or nipped some ot=
    her way. At least I don't have a TV to kick the knobs off when they lose an=
    ymore....actually, I don't think they have knobs on TV anymore....well they=
    do, if you subscribe to those channels, but I meant the tunning knobs.<s>

URL di origine Data di pubblicazione
  • 2010-01-11
  • 1

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