Thank you JPL Público Deposited
- From Tue Feb 09 14:08:33 2010
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From: John Lupia <>
Subject: Thank you JPL
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Wow! Coming from you I appreciate this sort of appraisal even more because =
of your depth of knowledge and love of this series and passion for research=
ing it. I am glad you enjoyed the article.=20
Best regards,
Prof. Giovanni "John" N. Lupia III
Parenti, Italia, New Jersey, USA; Beirut, Lebanon=20
God Bless Everyone
--- On Mon, 2/8/10, colonialjohn <> wrote:
> From: colonialjohn <>
> Subject: Apologies Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Syd what happened?!
> To:
> Date: Monday, February 8, 2010, 10:56 PM
> John Lupia -
> Having researched St. Patrick's on/off for 20 years and I
> know we talked at one of R.Siboni's get-together's on how
> much time, money and effort you put into this article and
> research area. I just read it for the THIRD time tonight and
> even with all these corrections it simply read as GOSPEL to
> me. The DEGREE and DEPTH of your references was simply
> AMAZING. I know when I read Danforth's take on these and
> others people's efforts it left me shallow and insecure that
> it simply "did not click" ... but your article my friend has
> captured my mind and soul for a species that has escaped our
> researching pens for quite some time. This is the STANDARD
> and then some=A0 ... ever since Phil Mossman told us all
> in his Encyclopedia of the pecuiliar weight differences of
> the so-called halfpence and farthing we all knew this was a
> complex coinage to conquer its origins. In my humble
> position now in C4 I would recommend the article be
> re-written again with these corrections and if not published
> in the C4 Newsletter in another journal for its astounding
> depth and clarity on this complex coinage. In short John
> Lupia ... you are a superb numismatist and it will be an
> honor to shake your hand the next time I see you ... again
> Congratulations ... I believe I will read your article a
> FOURTH time tonight! My main suggestion John is try
> publishing it again ... I was excited owning an original of
> reference #25 and thought I had a major break through when I
> discovered this reference <BG>.
=20=20=20=20=20=20 - 2010-02-09
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