A Clarification 上市 Deposited

  • From oliver.hoover@sympatico.ca Sun Apr 18 14:03:15 2010
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    From: "Oliver D. Hoover" <oliver.hoover@sympatico.ca>
    Subject: A Clarification
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    I just got back from some quality time with the kids to discover that
    the recent notice in the e-sylum has generated a tempest in a teapot
    here. Some clarification is in order:

    There is no question that my article on the St. Patricks does not
    accept the Lupia chronology and offers the detailed reasons as to why
    I think it is seriously flawed. It also gives an alternate
    chronology, which is not entirely new, but includes newly discovered
    evidence. I would like to emphasize that the article was promised to
    CNL well before I learned that I was to be appointed the new editor
    of the Newsletter. I promised it to CNL for 3 reasons that seemed
    very good at the time:

    1) At the time I promised it to CNL, I had been under the impression
    that a much larger percentage of C4 members subscribed to CNL. I
    didn't think that it mattered one way or the other because I assumed
    that the majority of C4 members also got CNL. I mean, why wouldn't
    this be the case? The CNL and the C4 Newsletter are really
    complementary publications for anyone who wants to be in the know
    about colonial coins. Anyway, I am now fully aware of the surprising
    numbers of C4 members who do not currently get CNL.

    2) As most members of this group are aware, John Lupia and I tend to
    butt heads over certain issues. It is no secret. This is unfortunate,
    and I am not particularly proud of it, but it is a fact. Therefore,
    in the interest of justice and fair play I thought I should submit
    the article to CNL because there it would be subjected to the close
    scrutiny of such upright pillars of colonial numismatics as Gary
    Trudgen, Phil Mossman, Lou Jordan, John Kleeberg, and John
    Kraljevich. These individuals would not hesitate to take me to task
    if I stepped over the line of politeness or if they thought I might
    be barking up the wrong tree. It is because of their great care to
    get things right and their untiring interest in helping prospective
    authors to come up with the highest quality final published product
    that their continued involvement with the CNL editorial process is
    such a boon to the journal.

    3) The additional discussion in the article in favor of a different
    chronology caused me to promise the article to CNL because in the
    past it has tended to be the journal of record for this sort of thing.

    In any case, Syd and I will discuss things and come to an amicable
    conclusion on the best way to proceed in the interests of both the C4
    and CNL readership.

    Lastly, and perhaps most importantly: I do not play chess.

    Tiddlywinks is my game.


來源網址 發布日期
  • 2010-04-18
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