"The Collector's Shop" in Boston has closed Public Deposited
- From glickman.james@dol.gov Thu Sep 30 10:48:47 2010
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From: "Jim Glickman" <glickman.james@dol.gov>
Subject: "The Collector's Shop" in Boston has closed
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Yesterday when I walked by The Collector's Shop, a coin and collectibles st=
ore on Tremont Street in Boston known to some of you, I was surprised to se=
e that it had closed for business. Everything was being boxed up, and a si=
gn read that due to the economic downturn, the store has closed, and that t=
hey could be found at area coin shows. The shop, owned and run by Jim Skal=
be, was always interesting to visit, and was for me a pleasurable lunchtime=
destination. I never knew what I would find, and in fact a few months ago=
I bought a couple of numismatic store tokens there. Plus, you never knew =
who you'd run into. One time I walked in and Frank McGrath was in there ch=
atting. This is another sad reminder of the harsh effects of the current e=
conomic climate, but at least Jim will still be in business at shows.
- Jim - 2010-09-30
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