I have this problem every time I look for the past PRL's 上市 Deposited

  • From taxi_steve929@yahoo.com Sat Dec 04 15:11:24 2010
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    From: Steve Frank <taxi_steve929@yahoo.com>
    Subject: I have this problem every time I look for the past PRL's
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    on the c4 website are several files with auction prices, partials etc...can=
    't they just be deleted. I know the auction prices realized are somewhere, =
    and just spent close to an hour searching for them with no luck before send=
    ing this email. Is there any way they can be put in a file on the group sit=
    e?=A0 Maybe named C4 Past Auction Prices Realized or something. I went to t=
    he home page of C4 and colonial coins and opened every file and photo and l=
    ink looking for this and re-did the search several times. My memory sucks, =
    and if it's not right there in an obvious place, I'm going to go through th=
    is every time. Last time I just saved them to a file and then lost the file=
    in a crash and had to do this all over again. I can create a file there an=
    d upload it if I can find where the files are now. Thanks!! steve
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    <table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0" ><tr><td valign=3D"=
    top" style=3D"font: inherit;">on the c4 website are several files with auct=
    ion prices, partials etc...can't they just be deleted. I know the auction p=
    rices realized are somewhere, and just spent close to an hour searching for=
    them with no luck before sending this email. Is there any way they can be =
    put in a file on the group site?  Maybe named C4 Past Auction Prices R=
    ealized or something. I went to the home page of C4 and colonial coins and =
    opened every file and photo and link looking for this and re-did the search=
    several times. My memory sucks, and if it's not right there in an obvious =
    place, I'm going to go through this every time. Last time I just saved them=
    to a file and then lost the file in a crash and had to do this all over ag=
    ain. I can create a file there and upload it if I can find where the files =
    are now. Thanks!! steve</td></tr></table>
來源網址 發布日期
  • 2010-12-04
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