"Stack's - Bowers Numismatics" Öffentlichkeit Deposited

  • From taxi_steve929@yahoo.com Tue Mar 08 17:10:27 2011
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    From: Steve Frank <taxi_steve929@yahoo.com>
    Subject: "Stack's - Bowers Numismatics"
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    I will probably be the=A0first, (and only)=A0person in history to do this, =
    so I guess it's something special in numismatics.<s>....I got a little buzz=
    ed up one night and didn't realize I had received an email from Stacks aski=
    ng if I wanted to buy anything post Americana sale, so I did, and didn't re=
    alize until after I paid for the 2 lots I won in the live bidding when I go=
    t a letter from Stacks saying payment was past due and they had already cas=
    hed the 1st check! Thankfully, I wound up liking the coins I didn't remembe=
    r buying,=A0so it was a good thing, but the funny thing was that for my win=
    nings for the Americana Sale, =A0I had to =A0send 2 checks, the 2nd just to=
    The first check was made out to "Stack's RC", and the second check was made=
    out to "Stack's - Bowers Numis" .... the new name to make checks out to...=
    .I have a feeling that the paperwork and system changes is what caused the =
    delay for everyone=A0being invoiced and having their coins sent out.
    (Stacks Rare Coins and Stacks-Bowers Numismatics, but I never write rare co=
    ins, and figure not many who have access to my check will have a clue what =
    Numis. means)
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    <table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0" ><tr><td valign=3D"=
    top" style=3D"font: inherit;"><DIV>I will probably be the first, (and =
    only) person in history to do this, so I guess it's something special =
    in numismatics.<s>....I got a little buzzed up one night and didn't r=
    ealize I had received an email from Stacks asking if I wanted to buy anythi=
    ng post Americana sale, so I did, and didn't realize until after I paid for=
    the 2 lots I won in the live bidding when I got a letter from Stacks sayin=
    g payment was past due and they had already cashed the 1st check! Thankfull=
    y, I wound up liking the coins I didn't remember buying, so it was a g=
    ood thing, but the funny thing was that for my winnings for the Americana S=
    ale,  I had to  send 2 checks, the 2nd just today. </DIV>
    <DIV> </DIV>
    <DIV>The first check was made out to "Stack's RC", and the second check was=
    made out to "Stack's - Bowers Numis" .... the new name to make checks out =
    to....I have a feeling that the paperwork and system changes is what caused=
    the delay for everyone being invoiced and having their coins sent out=
    <DIV> </DIV>
    <DIV>(Stacks Rare Coins and Stacks-Bowers Numismatics, but I <STRONG>never<=
    /STRONG> write rare coins, and figure not many who have access to my check =
    will have a clue what Numis. means)</DIV>
    <DIV> </DIV></td></tr></table>
Quell-URL Veröffentlichungsdatum
  • 2011-03-08
  • 1

