M 1.1-A Publique Deposited

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  • From bhsmith325@gmail.com Sat Apr 30 09:37:40 2011
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    Subject: M 1.1-A
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    I just received the attached, and I'm asking for some help. I may be nervous
    because it wasn't especially expensive, but the surfaces look odd to me and
    the edge is not smooth. It's 122.9 gns. I know there are a lot of copies of
    this out there, but i'm not sure of exactly what to look for. Thanks for any


    Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    <div>I just received the attached, and I'm asking for some help. I may =
    be nervous because it wasn't especially expensive, but the surfaces loo=
    k odd to me and the edge is not smooth. It's 122.9 gns. I know there ar=
    e a lot of copies of this out there, but i'm not sure of exactly what t=
    o look for. Thanks for any help.</div>



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URL source Date publiée
  • 2011-04-30
  • 1

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