Who bought Ford I, lot 228, NCA boards Pubblico Deposited
- From buell@vectrafitness.com Sat May 21 10:49:08 2011
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From: Buell Ish <buell@vectrafitness.com>
Subject: Who bought Ford I, lot 228, NCA boards
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As part of ongoing research I am wondering who bought the Ford I, lot
228, NCA boards. These are pages that held the Ryder Boyd collection
with notations by Breen. For the coins I noted the buyer, but I must
have fallen asleep as this is the very next lot after the coins. Someone
must have noted the buyer. I have a few specific questions about
specific notations. Any help, much appreciated. Reply here or directly
to me at buell@vectrafitness.com
Thanks Much, Buell - 2011-05-21
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