C4 at Whitman Expo in Philly Público Deposited

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  • From njraywms@optonline.net Sun Sep 18 06:34:32 2011
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    From: Ray Williams <njraywms@optonline.net>
    Subject: C4 at Whitman Expo in Philly
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    Good Morning All,
    I had a fun time in Philly the past three days. I saw a number of C4 f=
    riends and dealers (C4 dealers are friends too of course!). This conventio=
    n, C4 had a club table provided for free by the good people at Whitman.
    We had it staffed almost all the time and signed up 4 new members! C4 had =
    a full page advertisement in the convention program too. Mike Demling rele=
    ased his book on NJ Coppers and I had to buy a copy. Also, Charlie Davis h=
    ad Syd Martin's book on Rosa Americana coinage too. I bought my copy. Thi=
    s will be my working copy. Something to pencil in notes and such. I'll ge=
    t another copy to keep in good shape at some point down the road. Now I ha=
    ve to get Syd to sign the book for me. I don't know why I like signed book=
    s, but I do, especially when they're authored/edited by friends.=20=20
    David Rittenhouse showed up at the Convention! Whitman has had reenact=
    ors for each of their conventions, and very historically well informed too.=
    I enjoyed the presentation and talking to him afterwards too. Len Augsbu=
    rger (C4 member) and Joel Orosz interviewed Rittenhouse and the whole event=
    was entertaining and educational at the same time.=20=20
    Stack's Bowers held a multi day auction and the reports from C4 friends=
    are exciting. I can't wait to see their coins. I don't know if this was =
    the last of the Mike Ringo coins or not. I saw Vicken at the Stack's table=
    , between him running here and there. Ya know... I don't want to seem lik=
    e an old timer, but... I knew Vicken when he was in High School. He was a=
    wonderful young man then, and grew into an upstanding adult. Actually, I =
    knew John K and Mike W when they were in High School too, and look how good=
    they turned out as adults! Life is too short to not surround yourself wit=
    h good people. From my viewpoint, the colonial community is composed of 99=
    % good people... people I enjoy being around. If you're a colonial collec=
    tor and haven't yet attended a C4 function, you're missing some good camara=
    I gave a talk at the convention "Treasure Under Your Feet", about metal=
    detecting and many aspects of it. I brought a machine and many coin finds=
    to display. I think it went well. Plenty of questions and there were a c=
    ouple other well-seasoned detectorists there that added to the fun. Now th=
    at the talk is behind me, I can sell the gold and silver while the metal ma=
    rkets are high. Thinking of it, The folks at Whitman are just the most won=
    derful! Whether it's helping me with the club table, technical help with t=
    he talks, just very friendly & accommodating people. We have had a great r=
    elationship with Ed Aleo and the Bay State Show these past 14 years (soon t=
    o be 15), and I will miss working with him. But at the same time, I look f=
    orward to working with David Crenshaw and Dennis Tucker and all the staff a=
    t Whitman, when C4 has it's convention here in Philly in 2012. This Boston=
    Convention will be our farewell to Boston and with the events in the sched=
    ule, it'll be one you don't want to miss.
    Real quick... Got to get to church... After I go to conventions, I alw=
    ays check the Road Report that John Agre writes about the conventions he at=
    tends. It's always a good read! Check it out:

    Have a great Day!

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    <DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Good Morning All,</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV>    <FONT size=2 face=Arial>I had a fun time in Philly
    the past three days.  I saw a number of C4 friends and dealers (C4 dealers
    are friends too of course!).  This convention, C4 had a club table provided
    for free by the good people at Whitman.</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>We had it staffed almost all the time and signed up
    4 new members!  C4 had a full page advertisement in the convention program
    too.  Mike Demling released his book on NJ Coppers and I had to buy a
    copy.  Also, Charlie Davis had Syd Martin's book on Rosa Americana coinage
    too.  I bought my copy.  This will be my working copy.  Something
    to pencil in notes and such.  I'll get another copy to keep in good shape
    at some point down the road.  Now I have to get Syd to sign the book for
    me.  I don't know why I like signed books, but I do, especially when
    they're authored/edited by friends.  </FONT></DIV>
    <DIV>    <FONT size=2 face=Arial>David Rittenhouse showed up
    at the Convention!  Whitman has had reenactors for each of their
    conventions, and very historically well informed too.  I enjoyed the
    presentation and talking to him afterwards too.  Len Augsburger (C4 member)
    and Joel Orosz interviewed Rittenhouse and the whole event was entertaining and
    educational at the same time.  </FONT></DIV>
    <DIV>    <FONT size=2 face=Arial>Stack's Bowers held a multi
    day auction and the reports from C4 friends are exciting.  I can't wait to
    see their coins.  I don't know if this was the last of the Mike Ringo coins
    or not.  I saw Vicken at the Stack's table, between him running here and
    there.  Ya know...  I don't want to seem like an old timer,
    but...  I knew Vicken when he was in High School.  He was a wonderful
    young man then, and grew into an upstanding adult.  Actually, I knew John K
    and Mike W when they were in High School too, and look how good they turned out
    as adults!  Life is too short to not surround yourself with good
    people.  From my viewpoint, the colonial community is composed of 99% good
    people...  people I enjoy being around.  If you're a colonial
    collector and haven't yet attended a C4 function, you're missing some good
    <DIV>    <FONT size=2 face=Arial>I gave a talk at the
    convention "Treasure Under Your Feet", about metal detecting and many aspects of
    it.  I brought a machine and many coin finds to display.  I think it
    went well.  Plenty of questions and there were a couple other well-seasoned
    detectorists there that added to the fun.  Now that the talk is behind me,
    I can sell the gold and silver while the metal markets are high.  Thinking
    of it, The folks at Whitman are just the most wonderful!  Whether it's
    helping me with the club table, technical help with the talks, just very
    friendly & accommodating people.  We have had a great relationship with
    Ed Aleo and the Bay State Show these past 14 years (soon to be 15), and I will
    miss working with him.  But at the same time, I look forward to working
    with David Crenshaw and Dennis Tucker and all the staff at Whitman, when C4 has
    it's convention here in Philly in 2012.  This Boston Convention will be our
    farewell to Boston and with the events in the schedule, it'll be one you don't
    want to miss.</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV>    <FONT size=2 face=Arial>Real quick... Got to get to
    church...  After I go to conventions, I always check the Road Report that
    John Agre writes about the conventions he attends.  It's always a good
    read!  Check it out:</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial><A
    title="http://www.coinraritiesonline.com/index.php?page=road&PHPSESSID=gm29pba5rs61ipttnsrmqc7dp7 CTRL + Click to follow link"
    <DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Have a great Day!</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Ray</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial></FONT> </DIV></BODY></HTML>

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2011-09-18
  • 1


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