NY International XRF Offer and REEDED CC8Rs Öffentlichkeit Deposited
- From johnmenc@optonline.net Thu Dec 29 07:00:13 2011
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From: "colonialjohn" <johnmenc@optonline.net>
Subject: NY International XRF Offer and REEDED CC8Rs
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I will be at this show on Saturday 1/7/2012 - all day. Feel free to bring m=
e specimens to analyze. I can offer a fee of $25/coin plus P&H with the fir=
st coin being FREE. A recent participant of this group has recently contact=
ed me with AMAZING results. Something to consider ... later this year I wil=
l be working with the Contemporary Counterfeit Bust Half Collectors and pro=
bably re-writing their current Second Edition of their book after March 201=
2 based on XRF analysis. This series has some surprising results. View spec=
imens on 1/1, 1/8 and 1/15 on my E-Bay venue from specimens via Rick Iron a=
current expert in this group. If anybody has CC8Rs with a REEDED EDGE of p=
ossibly a Chinese or late 19th C or 20Th C nature these qualify for a free =
analysis other than P&H. Send these to me anytime and contact me privately =
if of a large quantity. - 2011-12-29
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