E-Bay Público Deposited

Good Bye Contemporary Counterfeits


Coin World

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  • From johnmenc@optonline.net Fri Jan 20 07:39:02 2012
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    From: "colonialjohn" <johnmenc@optonline.net>
    Subject: Re: Coin World : E-Bay : Good Bye Contemporary Counterfeits
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    PNG President Jeffrey Bernberg enthusiastically endorsed eBay's decision. J=
    eff - ever purchase a Machin Mills piece listed in the Red Book?

    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "colonialjohn" <johnmenc@...> wrote:
    > Ban on sales of replicas starts on eBay Feb. 20
    > By Paul Gilkes-Coin World Staff | Jan. 19, 2012 12:00 p.m.=20
    > Article first published in Web Content, Market Updates section of Coin Wo=
    > Effective Feb. 20, eBay will prohibit the sale of replicas of U.S., world=
    and other historic coins into the U.S. market on eBay.com.
    > Officials of eBay formally announced Jan. 18 that the firm's major policy=
    change in the coins category represents the online auction company's commi=
    tment to improve the buying, selling and collecting experience on eBay, inc=
    luding reviewing listings that may violate eBay policy prohibiting counterf=
    eit coins.
    > As part of the policy update, new listings and relistings will be prohibi=
    ted beginning Feb. 20; listings will be permitted through Feb. 19. Listings=
    that are still open on Feb. 20 will be allowed to run out to their closing=
    > The policy change extends to replicas marked COPY as required under provi=
    sions of the Hobby Protection Act. The policy change also extends to contem=
    porary counterfeits of U.S. coins produced to circulate alongside genuine i=
    ssues. The policy does not exclude the sale of paper money replicas.
    > The policy change follows a number of meetings and discussions between of=
    ficials of both eBay and the Professional Numismatists Guild.
    > As part of its collaboration with PNG, eBay officials anticipate establis=
    hing a program to better educate collectors about the PNG and its trusted m=
    ember-dealers, and to ensure the coin experience on eBay meets industry sta=
    > Officials of eBay made a brief presentation about the proposed policy cha=
    nge Jan. 4 during a PNG members-only meeting held in conjunction with the F=
    lorida United Numismatists convention in Orlando.
    > Gresham's Law : When the government reduced the amount of copper in the p=
    ennies it produced, we saw that bad money drives out good; everyone saved c=
    opper pennies and only spent the less pure ones. Ever since cheap, flimsy f=
    urniture began to be manufactured in large quantities, it has been very dif=
    ficult to find solid, well-made furniture. Bad craftsmanship, like bad mone=
    y, drives out good.
    > In this case Chinese imports drove out the good: CC8R Sheffields, Blacksm=
    iths, Machin Mills, Kleeberg CC2Rs, etc.
    > "The policy change also extends to contemporary counterfeits of U.S. coin=
    s produced to circulate alongside genuine issues."
    > Like you said Mayhugh ... just need to sell them as regals ... and let th=
    e experts keep trading ... its going to really hurt in SEARCHING for these =
    pieces in foreign venues. This extends all the way BACK to Libyan coins ...

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2012-01-20
  • 1


Autor do PNN