Wonderful new exhibit Público Deposited

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  • From rosaamltd@gmail.com Fri Mar 16 11:59:37 2012
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    From: Jeff Rock <rosaamltd@gmail.com>
    Subject: Wonderful new exhibit
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    For those who haven't heard, Princeton University recently put a wonderful
    exhibit up in their library called "Capping Liberty." Luckily for those of
    us nowhere near NJ, they have put the exhibit online as well, and it can be
    accessed here:


    Well worth a look to see some of the Princeton coin collection -- some nice
    coins, including a fabulous 1792 half disme and an incredible gilt Libertas
    Americana medal, some good ancients and other things. But don't overlook
    the sections with books and letters. There's some fascinating reading here.

    Non-regal collectors will be interested that a few are included....though
    they will shake their heads at the attribution of the "1784 Bungtown
    American copper." Close, but no cigar...

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    <div>For those who haven't heard, Princeton University recently put a w=
    onderful exhibit up in their library called "Capping Liberty."=A0=
    Luckily for those of us nowhere near NJ, they have put the exhibit online =
    as well, and it can be accessed here:</div>
    <div>=A0</div><div><a href=3D"http://rbsc.princeton.edu/capping-liberty/">h=
    ttp://rbsc.princeton.edu/capping-liberty/</a></div><div>=A0</div><div>Well =
    worth a look to see some of the Princeton coin collection -- some nice coin=
    s, including a fabulous 1792 half disme and an incredible gilt Libertas Ame=
    ricana medal, some good ancients and other things.=A0 But don't overloo=
    k the sections with books and letters.=A0 There's some fascinating read=
    ing here.</div>
    <div>=A0</div><div>Non-regal collectors will be interested that a few are i=
    ncluded....though they will shake their heads at the attribution of the &qu=
    ot;1784 Bungtown American copper."=A0 Close, but no cigar...</div><div=

URL de origen Fecha de publicación
  • 2012-03-16
  • 1


Autor NNP