Wood Error Hub Trial Piece - A re-evaluation Öffentlichkeit Deposited
- From johnmenc@optonline.net Thu Mar 22 11:44:10 2012
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From: "colonialjohn" <johnmenc@optonline.net>
Subject: Wood Error Hub Trial Piece - A re-evaluation
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Jeff Rock - just a thought - as I continue to serach and purchase world con=
temporary counterfeits and then XRF and study their compositions I have fou=
nd on occassion a new type of CC collectible. I see counterfeit coin type i=
mpressions struck on large metal disc flans such as this Wood piece - and t=
he sellers are basically selling these pieces as forger test pieces for th=
ese respective counterfeits. This so-called Wood hub? trial piece is "possi=
bly" then a test piece used by a forger to test his dies prior to counterfe=
iting this piece ... I suspect there is no Martin designation for this obv=
erse die. Just a thought ...=20 - 2012-03-22
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