[Colonial Numismatics] Wood Error Hub Trial Piece - A re-evaluation 上市 Deposited
- From njraywms@optonline.net Thu Mar 22 13:37:17 2012
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From: Ray Williams <njraywms@optonline.net>
Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] Wood Error Hub Trial Piece - A re-evaluation
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There is no graceful way for you to gracefully back out of your original
(current?) assumptions (speculations?) on this piece. If it were a die
trial, the image in the lead disc, would look like a coin - it doesn't!!!
It is the mirror image of a coin because a coin was used to make this
impression. Someone hammered a coin into this lead disc for some unknown
reason. When and where it was done, who knows... But you need to let it
go - you made a mistake and move on.
From: "colonialjohn" <johnmenc@optonline.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 2:44 PM
To: <colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [Colonial Numismatics] Wood Error Hub Trial Piece - A re-evaluation
> Jeff Rock - just a thought - as I continue to serach and purchase world
> contemporary counterfeits and then XRF and study their compositions I have
> found on occassion a new type of CC collectible. I see counterfeit coin
> type impressions struck on large metal disc flans such as this Wood
> piece - and the sellers are basically selling these pieces as forger test
> pieces for these respective counterfeits. This so-called Wood hub? trial
> piece is "possibly" then a test piece used by a forger to test his dies
> prior to counterfeiting this piece ... I suspect there is no Martin
> designation for this obverse die. Just a thought ...
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> - 2012-03-22
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