Abel Buell's 1784 map Público Deposited

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  • From freidus@umich.edu Tue May 08 08:32:36 2012
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    Subject: Abel Buell's 1784 map
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    The collection housing one of seven copies of Abel Buell's 1784 map has rec=
    ently gotten a grant for curating their map collection. That will include p=
    utting images of many online.

    Until Connecticut Historical Society has good images, here's an auction lot=
    description with high resolution (but slow-loading) images: http://www.ch=

    Dan Freidus
    "If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect wood=
    and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for th=
    e vast and endless sea."=20=20=20=20=20=20
    Antoine de Saint Exup=E9ry

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2012-05-08
  • 1


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