C4N sighting in Trenton, NJ Publique Deposited

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  • From njraywms@optonline.net Wed Aug 01 12:42:35 2012
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    From: Ray Williams <njraywms@optonline.net>
    Subject: C4N sighting in Trenton, NJ
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    Hi Guys!,
    My C4 Newsletter was in my mail box today - before the rains came! I h=
    ate getting a soggy C4N! LOL This issue includes a ballot for electing of=
    ficers. Even though the slate of officers to be elected are running unoppo=
    sed, it is a sign of support for them to send in your ballots anyway. I ca=
    n't believe that Jim Rosen has completed his first 2 year term as C4 Presid=
    ent. It seems like last week that I turned over the gavel to him!
    In this issue are new authors who I can't wait to read their articles. =
    Jim Rosen starts off with his president's message, Followed by a well rese=
    arched article about Thomas Machin and the last CT & VT Coppers (by Christo=
    pher McDowell). I will need to take the phone off the hook and have a fres=
    h pot of coffee before delving into this one. Chris has done a very well d=
    etailed survey of the die emission sequence of the last CT Coppers - it loo=
    ks to be very interesting. Robert Levinson wrote a paper on the "Nach Amer=
    ika" Tokens of Nuremberg, and how these relate to our colonial days as a Be=
    tts-related token. Mike Wierzba wrote the 2012 Second Quarter Auction Reca=
    p. For those that can't attend every auction in person, these articles wil=
    l give you a good idea of what is happening in the auction scene. Norm Pet=
    ers discusses a hoard of colonials unearthed in Keeseville, NY - a very int=
    eresting grouping! John Lorenzo wrote a paper about a Maris 56-n possibly =
    overstruck on a French One Sol of John Law. He is using scientific analysi=
    s to make his conclusions, and I look forward to delving into this. Next I=
    wrote one page about my experiences at the ANA's Summer Seminar, with a pi=
    cture of my instructors ( John Kraljevich & Erik Goldstein) and one of the =
    fire in Colorado Springs. Dick August has a page of excavated coins that w=
    ere located in the Hartford, CT area - a very nice group! Bill Gleckler wr=
    ote a Memorium for Don Anderson, a close friend and mentor. There are othe=
    r notes and updates scattered throughout. Can't wait to have time to read =

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    CanvasTabStop="true" name="Compose message area">
    <DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Hi Guys!,</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV>    <FONT size=2 face=Arial>My C4 Newsletter was in my
    mail box today - before the rains came!  I hate getting a soggy C4N! 
    LOL  This issue includes a ballot for electing officers.  Even though
    the slate of officers to be elected are running unopposed, it is a sign of
    support for them to send in your ballots anyway.  I can't believe that Jim
    Rosen has completed his first 2 year term as C4 President.  It seems like
    last week that I turned over the gavel to him!</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV>    <FONT size=2 face=Arial>In this issue are new
    authors who I can't wait to read their articles.  Jim Rosen starts off with
    his president's message, Followed by a well researched article about Thomas
    Machin and the last CT & VT Coppers (by Christopher McDowell).  I will
    need to take the phone off the hook and have a fresh pot of coffee before
    delving into this one.  Chris has done a very well detailed survey of the
    die emission sequence of the last CT Coppers - it looks to be very
    interesting.  Robert Levinson wrote a paper on the "Nach Amerika" Tokens of
    Nuremberg, and how these relate to our colonial days as a Betts-related
    token.  Mike Wierzba wrote the 2012 Second Quarter Auction Recap.  For
    those that can't attend every auction in person, these articles will give you a
    good idea of what is happening in the auction scene.  Norm Peters discusses
    a hoard of colonials unearthed in Keeseville, NY - a very interesting
    grouping!  John Lorenzo wrote a paper about a Maris 56-n possibly
    overstruck on a French One Sol of John Law.  He is using scientific
    analysis to make his conclusions, and I look forward to delving into this. 
    Next I wrote one page about my experiences at the ANA's Summer Seminar, with a
    picture of my instructors ( John Kraljevich & Erik Goldstein) and one of the
    fire in Colorado Springs.  Dick August has a page of excavated coins that
    were located in the Hartford, CT area - a very nice group!  Bill Gleckler
    wrote a Memorium for Don Anderson, a close friend and mentor.  There are
    other notes and updates scattered throughout.  Can't wait to have time to
    read it!  </FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Later</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Ray</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV>    </DIV></BODY></HTML>

URL source Date publiée
  • 2012-08-01
  • 1

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Auteur NNP